LaTeX Resources

Some LaTeX files


Add \preappendix before and \postappendix after.

for sections in the appendix use \subsection instead of \section.














% \singlespacing





% For endfloats

% \newcommand{\hbAppendixPrefix}{\arabic{subsection}}









Figures in Separate File. - Using "endfloats"

Original file: "<FileName>.tex"

Figures file name: "<FileNameFigs>.tex"

The original file with creates "<FileName>.fff" with all the figures. These are all added at the end of "<FileName>.tex" unless stopped by "\def\processfigures{}", with this, most of the links are now broken. Therefore "\externaldocument" is required.

With the new figures file "<FileNameFigs>.tex", pretty much just need "\input{<FileName>.fff}".



\def\processfigures{} % Stops Figures from being appended





% \makeatletter

% \def\processfigures{} % Stop

% \makeatother









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