This paper offers a model to explain the general observation that lexical items are more often borrowed from a higher status language into a lower status one, than visa versa. Material from Lahore, Pakistan, shows that in casual speech among plurilinguals codeswitching is the norm. In formal contexts, in which there is attention to proper language, educated speakers filter out features which are not part of the standard language. Constraints on language and education in the hierarchical social structure withhold from most speakers of the lower status languages the knowledge necessary to evaluate their own speech in this way, thus allowing features of other languages to become established in their language.

Provided with hot tea on arrival to ward off the uncharacteristically cold weather, the 90 students took admissions tests regarding their general knowledge of Islamic history, law, and theology, and science. They were also evaluated for their competency in English and Arabic and completed a written component to gauge their independent thinking skills and understanding of human dignity and renewal in the Islamic tradition. Of those, 37 returned the next day for interviews with the project leaders.

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Language Requirement. In addition to the requirements of the University of Colorado Graduate School for regular degree students, the department requires all entering students to have superior proficiency in the target language and broad general knowledge of the literary and cultural traditions of their region of concentration. 2351a5e196

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