With the pair of games next week, Maryland will be on track to finish the season with 20 conference games as planned, despite the schedule disruptions the Big Ten has navigated this season because of the pandemic.

Some words look the same, while others sound the same. Knowing the difference between these similar words can be very tricky. In this handout we have provided some of the most commonly confused word pairs, with definitions for each and sentences showing them in context. This is by no means a comprehensive list, but it should hopefully help you begin to recognize the particular differences between different words.

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Students that fail to thoroughly proofread often miss unnecessary points. Procrastinated papers, which students write often, fail to lead to the desired grades for their classes.

On this page you will find links to related pages that contain pictures and words for working with children with speech sound disorders. Below these links are minimal pair word lists for speech-language pathology / speech and language therapy (SLP/SLT) intervention. For the most part the word-pairs are 'picturable' and child-friendly.

There are many minimal pairs to choose from here, but in selecting target words for phonological therapy it is definitely not a case of 'more is better'. Elbert, Powell and Swartzlander (1991) found that they could teach as few as 3 to 5 minimal pairs in order for their participants to show spontaneous generalisation to other words containing the target sounds.

The vocabulary on this page represents (non-rhotic) Australian English pronunciation, and although most of the minimal pairs will 'work' in other dialects of English you may need to discard some. For example, pairs like saw-shore, and spa-star are minimal pairs in Australian English and in other non-rhotic varieties of English, but not in rhotic dialects such as Canadian, Irish, Scottish and most US 'Englishes'.

peach reach pane rain peep reap pink rink peak reek pack rack pail rail peel reel pat rat peck wreck pest rest post roast pig rig pocket rocket pool rule pa Rah pug rug Pope rope pen wren pestle wrestle pie rye Ping ring pod rod pose rose

bow toe boy toy bee tea buy tie boo two bed Ted bin tin bug tug book took back tack bun ton buck tuck bell tell bag tag bean teen bite tight ball tall beach teach bone tone bap tap bale tail beam team Ben ten

bow dough bee D buy die boo do bed dead bin din buck duck bean Dean bale dale Ben den boar door bay day B D bait date bark dark bog dog bug Doug big dig Bart dart bust dust beer deer bye dye beep deep

bow row buy rye boo roo bed red bug rug book rook back rack bun run buck ruck bag rag right bite beach reach bap rap bale rail beam boy Roy bench wrench bough row bust rust boast roast best rest bag rag big rig beep reap bung rung

bow wow bow woe buy why boo woo bed wed back whack bun one bag wag bite white bale whale bough wow burst worst best west big wig beep weep ball wall bill will bead weed bin win bull wool beet wheat bees wheeze bear wear Ben when bead weed bind wind

Lou two lie tie lap tap lop top lick tick lug tug lag tag Len ten label table less Tess teach leech luck tuck tight look took light tot lot lip tip loss toss law taw lose twos lake take lair tear low toe lone tone lit tit teak leek load toad

din fin den fen dig fig dine fine deal feel dough foe dead fed done fun dale fail deed feed dill fill dial file dough foe D Fi dead fed date fte dog fog deer fear dine fine deal feel dare fair dole foal Ds fees

dye why din win dot what dip whip deep weep den when dig wig dine wine deal wheel Dick wick Dave wave dough woe do woo dead wed done one dale whale deed weed dill will din win Ds wheeze dock wok dial while

kale fail keel feel cat fat coal foal car far cake fake case face kite fight cold fold calm farm cool fool cone phone kit fit Kate fte call fall Kia fear kin fin cast fast kill fill corn fawn can fan cob fob

kale sail keel seal cat sat coal sole kite sight cold sold kit sit call Saul kill sill cob sob kick sick coke soak key sea cook sook cow sow keep seep come sum core sore cage sage cold sold kit sit cap sap

kale mail keel meal cat mat coal mole kite might cold mould kit mitt call mall kill mill cob mob kick Mick coke Moke key me come mum core more can man cop mop Ken men key me cart mart kiss miss K May care mare

kale nail keel kneel cat gnat kite night kit nit kill nil cob knob kick Nick key knee come numb core gnaw can Nan K neigh knot cot nut cut curse nurse cock knock cap nap came name coat note cook nook keys knees comb gnome

my guy moo goo mail gale Mig gig Maeve gave mill gill me ghee mall gall musty gusty mole goal mess guess moat goat met get mate gate marred guard Maud gourd must gust mould gold moose goose map gap Morse gorse

sew foe said fed sun fun sight fight sale fail Saul fall sill fill seed feed seat feet son fun sword ford sign fine soak folk sat fat saint faint psalm farm Seoul foal socks fox six fix sax fax sit fit sawn fawn same fame

sun nun sea knee seat neat sack knack seed knead sale nail cell Nell socks knocks sail sat gnat sight night sit nit sill nil sob knob sick nick sook nook sow now sum numb saw gnaw sap nap say neigh set net sash gnash

lick sick line sign leap seep lei say link sink leak seeklight sight let set lake sake lead seed lay say low sew lie sigh lap sap lag sag luck suck limb sim Leigh sea look sook light sight lip sip law saw lute suit lit sit leek seek lax sacks licks six lash sash lamb Sam lank sank

sow wow sew woe sigh why Sue woo said wed sack whack sun one sag wag sight white sale whale seep weep Saul wall sill will seed weed seat wheat Cs wheeze seed weed sip whip sage wage son won save wave sick wick sock wok C wee say weigh sword ward seat wheat sign wine seek week soak woke sink wink

he she hi shy hot shot hop shop hip ship heap sheep hair share hose shows horn shorn hay shea hoe show hook shook hail shale hole shoal who shoe head shed hick Schick hank shank herd shirred hock shock hut shut hurt shirt hello cello

line shine lot shot leap sheep lop shop lark shark lei shea lane Shane leaf sheaf lick Schick low show Lou shoe lie shy lag shag Leigh she look shook lip ship lose shoes lake shake lute shoot lair leek chic Lynne shin lamb sham lank shank lard shard

rain Shane reap sheep reek chic rack shack rail shale rye shy rod shod rose shows rare share run shun rake shake red shed row show raid shade ray shea rue shoe rut shut roos shoes reef sheaf rook shook rag shag rot shot root shoot

he me hi my hop mop hope mope hen men hug mug hat mat hill mill host most heart mart hair mare hose mows horn mourn hit mitt hay May hoe mow hail mail hold mould hole mole hate mate horse Morse who moo house mouse hoist moist hum mum hock mock hut mutt hull mull hello mellow

he Leigh hi lie hot lot hop lop hip lip heap leap hug lug hatch latch hair lair horn lawn hit lit hay lay hoe low hook look hand land hate late who Lou half laugh house louse home loam head lead horde lord hick lick hank lank hush lush hock lock hull lull hoot lute

G me Jen men jug mug Jill mill J May Joe mow gaol/jail mail joist moist Jock mock jut mutt Jan man jig Mig Joan moan jocks mocks jog mog joke Moke jacks Max Jake make jade made Jane mane junk monk jello mellow Jean mean Jack Mac job mob jet met

gnash mash gnat mat knack Mac knave Maeve knead mead knee me kneel meal knight mite knit mitt knob mob nail mail Nan man nap map neat meat neigh May nice mice nick Mick night might nil mill Nile mile nine mine no mow nope mope Norse Morse note moat numb mum nut mutt 152ee80cbc

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