The NOAA Continuously Operating Reference Stations (CORS) Network (NCN), managed by NOAA/National Geodetic Survey, provide Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) data, supporting three dimensional positioning, meteorology, space weather, and geophysical applications throughout the United States.

Surveyors, GIS users, engineers, scientists, and other people who collect GPS/GNSS data can use NCN data, acquired at fiducial geodetic control stations, to improve the precision of their positions, and align their work within the National Spatial Reference System (NSRS). NCN enhanced post-processed coordinate accuracies can approach a few centimeters, both horizontally and vertically.

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The CORS network is a multi-purpose, multi-agency cooperative endeavor, combining the efforts of hundreds of government, academic, and private organizations. The stations are independently owned and operated. Each agency shares their GNSS/GPS carrier phase and code range measurements and station metadata with NGS, which are analyzed and distributed free of charge.

Methods of Obtaining CORS Data [RINEX]Customized

User Friendly CORS (UFCORS)Standard

standard1.shtmlAnonymous FTP

Primary server - Directory Tree

Alternate server - Directory TreeHistorical at-sampling rate data

Historical at sampling rate data from 2004-present (30 day delay) are available through our archive operated by our sister agency National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) via NOAA's Comprehensive Large Array-data Stewardship System (CLASS) information technology system.While large data orders may take a few days to fulfill, small data requests are nominally fulfilled within the day.

NOTE: NGS data holdings via the 3 previous links Customized, Standard, Anonymous FTP, provide access to all CORS data, immediately, from 1994 to the present, but are decimated to 30s sampling rate, except for the most recent 30 days.

Metadata / Station LogsStation/station log files contain all the historical equipment (receiver/antenna) used at that station, approximate location, owner and operating agency, etc. We stress that the the position/coordinates listed in the log file like that in the RINEX header files should be considered APPROXIMATE. When a user downloads data they should at the same time download the published NGS coordinate (position and velocity) file for that station. You can find that file here.Show Directory of All Logfiles

An ASCII file that lists all CORS historical and current data used (but not those that are considered IGS stations.) This file is based on the master list used by NGS to process data to compute coordinates. This file is updated every day.

From your code, it seems like you're handling the CORSflight request. However, you might want to add the "Access-Control-Allow-Credentials" header and set it to "true" if you're using cookies for authentication. Also, consider allowing all headers in theAccess-Control-Allow-Headers" in your CORS configuration for testing purposes:

Liam | Developer Advocate @ Shopify 

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Just to note - This actually still does not work when making the request via the Shopify app proxy while on local development. It does work ok when the theme is deployed and running from the Shopify server.

Although making requests to the app URL (with the tunnel running feeding traffic to the app running locally) does work in local development. So at least this makes it possible to develop locally. The app URL can be swapped out for the Shopify app proxy when it comes to deployment. This won't be a great dev experience if/when the app proxy signature is checked on the endpoint provided by the app, but that's a problem for another time.

If you're trying to define a new route, that would be done with a jsx or tsx file named appropriately. For example, api.endpoint.jsx for the path of /api/endpoint. You can then use the cors package that I mentioned in my previous comment to add the headers to the response.

Hello @Danh11 

Thanks, i've been trying to make a fetch request from my extension to my server. Even tried what worked for you. My loader function is similar to yours. Any idea what I'm doing wrong?

Hey! I need a little more information What error are you getting? What does the function look like where you're making this request? What does your route look like? Is the route being hit by the request? Is it failing to return anything at all?

It seems like the error is occuring during the preflight request that the client is making. The server isn't handling the OPTIONS request type, which is what the preflight is, so it's causing the error and in turn the client also fails on the preflight request.

After some debugging I have found the following:The AbstractHandlerMapping.corsConfiguration is populated for all Subclasses except RepositoryRestHandlerMapping. In the RepositoryRestHandlerMapping no corsConfiguration is present / set at creation time and so it won't get recognized as cors path / resource.

=> No CORS headers attached

Could that be the problem? How can I set it?

But now that DATAREST-573 has been fixed, RepositoryRestConfiguration now exposes a getCorsRegistry() for global setup and @CrossOrigin annotations on repositories are also recognized so this is the recommended approach. See answer for concrete examples.

For people that have to stick to Spring Data REST 2.5 (Hopper) or previous versions, I think the best solution is to use a filter based approach. You could obviously use Tomcat, Jetty or this one, but be aware that Spring Framework 4.2 also provides a CorsFilter that use the same CORS processing logic that @CrossOrigin and addCorsMappings(CorsRegistry registry) approaches. By passing an UrlBasedCorsConfigurationSource instance to the CorsFilter constructor parameter, you could easily get something as powerful as Spring native CORS global support.

So here's what I came up with to get a "global" CORS configuration for all endpoint in our REST API, whether they're implemented using Spring Data Rest or Spring MVC, with all endpoints protected by Spring Security.

I wasn't able to hook a CorsFilter into the request pipeline at the right point, so instead I configured SDR and MVC separately, however using the same configuration for their CorsRegistry via this helper:

RepositoryRestConfigurerAdapter is deprecated from 3.1 so if you used spring boot and data-rest version 3.1 above you can directly implement RepositoryRestConfigurer :

I was trying to hitting spring rest service from angular.Spring rest project deployed in tomcat server and angular is default angular server.I faced this issue when it is hitting from angular to service.I tried to follow

but im receiving this error when i tried tor redirect(because the campground get saved in the db) at the end of the endpoint logic :"Access to XMLHttpRequest at ' :3000/campgrounds/6411f03e718f68104cac045a' (redirected from ' :5000/campgrounds') from origin ' :3000' has been blocked by CORS policy: Response to preflight request doesn't pass access control check: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource."

PD : after handling the form with a onSubmit logic (controlled component), i was using the un-controlled approach sending my form data across the action/method props and having no issue, but when i change the approach like i showed after.... that f***** error.

this should workYour should catch a same url you send from client, if is is, then your code in that will be executed and then enables the CORS policy as you wish, otherwise, it won't run.You might want to delete your header{} in your request on client, because you cannot enable CORS on client side, so in this situation, it should not be there.

So for one reason or another, sometimes we need to get access to alternative base station data. This could be because you knocked over the base station, it didn't record, or for any number of reasons. One way to get this data is by downloading the RINEX data from a CORS base station. Here is how you do it.

Step 1: Identify a base station nearest to your project. To do this we will use the CORS map provided by NOAA and find a 1-second station. Usually we want this base station to be within 30km of your project area.

I have collected GPS data using a Trimble GeoXH running ArcPad 10 with GPScorrect. I am still on ArcMap 10.0 and using GPS Analyst for post processing. My question is about choosing a base station for differential correction. In the differential correction wizard, there is a list of base stations to choose from. There are several base stations with a prefix of "CORS" and several base stations with a prefix of "TxDOT." For instance, there is a CORS Boerne station, and a TxDOT Boerne station. Could anyone explain the difference between these two? I believe these are the same base station (yes?). However, when I process my data against the CORS station, and then against the TxDOT station, the resulting points are 3 feet apart. I have looked at the data sheets from the CORS website for this station and it says that the coordinates are in NAD83 and ITRF00. So...which one is it? I was wondering if perhaps data corrected against the CORS base station is in ITRF00 and data corrected against the TxDOT base station is in NAD83?

I have attached a picture of some of my gps data points. The pink dots were corrected against the CORS Boerne base station, and the yellow dots were corrected against the TxDOT Boerne base station. The pink and yellow dots are about 3 feet apart.

I have set up my personal geodatabase in State Plane, NAD83, and I have chosen the WGS84 to NAD83_5 translation. I understand that the raw GPS data from the .ssf file is in WGS84, and that is why a translation must be chosen. I'm just not sure if my final data (after post processing) is in NAD83 or ITRF00 (depending on which base station I use). 152ee80cbc

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