Paints Guide

for Modellers of Australian Railways

This Guide is a list of suggested paints to use, collected from a variety of sources.

Anyone is welcome to use the feedback option to provide additional information for inclusion.

The Guide has been compiled by Graham Cocks and David McMorran.

We make no claims to its accuracy. Choice of paint ultimately lies in the preference of the individual modeller.


Anything with AS N14 White can use ModelFlex/Floquil/PollyScale Reefer White or Railey 104 White

Anything with AS N61 Black can use ModelFlex/Floquil/PollyScale Engine Black or Railey 105 Black

(as Floquil is no longer available, refer to a cross-reference chart to obtain closest equivalent)

(Vallejo paints, available from hobby shops that stock military models, appear to be in popular use)

Choose a Rail Operator:

(always refresh/reload a chosen selection in your browser to ensure that you have the latest listing)

We welcome any contributions. Click Feedback to provide updates, corrections or extra colour suggestions.

(last update - 11Mar18)