Concrete Flooring Painting

There are surfaces that to achieve a perfect finish, specific materials must be used during the execution of the work to be carried out. That is why the concrete floor painting requires a suitable choice of the type of painting to be made as well as the instruments and techniques to be implemented during its execution.

Currently, the variety of paints available on the market for concrete floors offer a range of characteristics that highlight the final result; for example:

  • Guarantee high resistance.

  • Provide antibacterial coatings.

  • Ensure heavy and safe traffic.

  • Protect the surface with antifungal coatings.

And the most important thing is that all these characteristics apply to any floor; that is, it can be for commercial, residential, and even industrial use.

How to prepare the surface to apply concrete floor painting?

If you want a final impact finish, it´s important to respect and comply with certain steps that must be carried out before applying the paint:

  • Carefully remove all the dust and grease residues that are adhering to it from the surface, this can be done by simply washing the floor brushing consistently with soap and water. You can also use a power washer, with this tool the work will be much faster and more efficient.

  • If the surface has a lot of dirt or extremely strong grease, the use of a degreaser can be a great help.

  • If the surface has had glued-bonded vinyl floors or carpets laid, it´s important to remove all traces of glue from the place.

  • Existing holes or cracks in the surface to be worked must be covered or previously covered with concrete to have a surface that is as even as possible. It´s important to allow the concrete to dry properly before starting to paint.

  • In the case of applied concrete or areas that are slightly rough, it should be sanded carefully to obtain a finish that is as smooth as possible.

  • Clean the surface once more using a vacuum cleaner or a damp towel to remove any residual dust.

In the case of floors that are indoors, the ideal is to place a sealant as the last layer to give the surface greater shine. Also, the sealant provides additional protection to the final finish.

What types of paint are there for concrete floor painting?

Concrete floors should not be painted with any paint, it´s important to select the one that best suits according to the different types that exist:

  • Acrylic: its base is made up of different acrylic resins to provide resistance to the final finish and to make it ideal in those cases where continuous and heavy traffic is required. Due to its toughness, it´s often ideal for warehouse and garage floors.

  • Synthetic: its formula is composed of various chemical materials that ensure very good durability. It has the peculiarity that it can be decomposed with a synthetic solvent. Thanks to the durability it provides, it´s often widely used in places where there are large numbers of people or objects; such as warehouses, company yards, among others.

  • Bicomponent resins: in addition to acrylic and synthetic paints, there are paints based on bicomponent resins which require a hardening element for their correct application, this type of paints are classified into the following subtypes:

  • Polyurethane: it can generate a fast drying effect when in contact with a humid space. Besides, it offers a very resistant finish. Thanks to its consistency and final finish, it´s perfect for areas with certain irregularities on their surface.

  • Epoxy: it´s a type of paint that is widely used to protect the surface from wear thanks to the properties that characterize it. Thanks to the epoxy resin with which it´s made, it provides very good chemical resistance to certain corrosive components such as water and some acids. Also, its glossy finish makes it attractive to apply in those cases where you want to protect and decorate at the same time.

What paint to use according to the type of concrete floor?

Not only it´s necessary to know the types of existing paints for the concrete floor and thus be able to select the most suitable for our project, but it´s also important to recognize the concrete material to determine which is the type of paint according to it.

The most common materials for concrete floors are:

  • Exterior laminate floors: for this type of floor the most recommended paint is synthetic since it´s the one that offers the greatest resistance since; outdoor floors generally have high traffic.

  • Cement, brick, or concrete: they are suitable for both acrylic, synthetic, and resin paints from two components. It´s important to consider that for the floors of these materials that are new, a minimum time of approximately 3 months must be waited before applying the paint.

  • Non-porous floors: bicomponent resins are the best for the type of floors that don´t have any porosity.

  • Porous surfaces: any type of paint applied to them; be it resin, acrylic or based on bicomponent resins, it will be well tolerated by this type of flooring since surfaces made of materials such as stone or any other that is porous will have a very good bond between both thanks to the permeability of each material.

  • Interior flooring made from laminate and wood: acrylic paint and resin paints with bicomponents are the most suitable for these materials. Also, it´s important to properly clean the surface to finally apply a primer.

The primer is a previous product that is applied to the surface before painting it, it consists of coating the area to prepare them for the final painting process. Some cases don´t need this priming process and others do. When in doubt, it´s advisable to always seek professional advice to ensure proper work.

Let’s do it

It is important to have the basic knowledge to select the right type of paint according to the specific area to be painted, the surface material, and the finish you want to achieve. In the same way, it´s best to always have professional staff in the area, this will make the concrete floor painting the best and the final result will last over time.

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