The Painterly Portrait Collection is the hallmark photoshop actions set of Greater Than Gatsby. We have developed a unique method to soften the entire image while keeping important details tack sharp. This creates the painting-like effect that everyone is searching for, but few know how to do.

I like to edit photos as a hobby and I never considered purchasing any actions as I just tried what was available on the internet. After purchasing the painterly portrait and innocence collection, I am amazed by the difference in my photos! They have a professional look that I could never achieve previously. I use them daily.

Painterly Photoshop Action Free Download


Each action is completely customizable as there is no one size fits all. You will have the ability to adjust the opacity of each effect, read instructions, turn on/off effects, and some you will be able to choose to apply the effect over your entire image (and brush off certain areas), or you may choose to only have even more power over your edits by applying your effects on only certain areas with the Brush On Photoshop actions.

Spring is here, along with beautiful hues of yellow, green, pink, blue, and purple! Together, these sweet tones work to cleanse the palette of winter. This seasonally-themed collection of 43 actions celebrates spring with 20 color bases, 6 textured color overlays, 7 flat color overlays, 10 brushes, and the Luxe 40 action toolkit. The various bases, filters, actions, & final touches were designed to be stacked for diagnostic and personalized editing. Despite your forecast, this collection encourages you to live like it's spring. Together, these actions cast light upon the lamben, fresh, and radiant tones that surround you.

I have a problem with playing actions in Photoshop 19.1.1. I have "Space Action" & "Fairy Tale Photoshop Action", and followed all steps in the included "read me" & "before you run" & "how to use the action" files, also wateched a youtube tutorial. The layers appear correctly: "Background layer", "Original" (middle) and (on top) "brush" layer, and while the "brush" layer was selected, I brushed over the area which I wanted to preserve. But whenever I press PLAY, it does load lots of effects into the layer window, however, there always appears a repeated warning "command SELECT is currently not

"In the action palette expand the action. Highlight the select layer step. Click the record button. Then in the tools bar select the brush. Click on the stop recording button. Save the Edited Action set."

It is not possible to explain what is really preventing action without seeing steps in the Actions panel or to play step by step in more complicated situations. From your description, it appears that step to select something is not possible what is followed by some other error because some of the previous steps is not executed. I cannot tell you what is the reason for this message without stopping action at that step with Layers panel visible what can solve mystery why something could not be selected.

Play action and stop it at first error message what should expand step in the actions panel then capture a screenshot with Actions panel and Layers panel visible. Lastly, upload a screenshot so someone may be able to help you.

Hi, Thanks for your replies! I have attached somes screenshots. I had 3 Layers; Background, original (middle) and "Brush" on top. While the "brush" layer was selected, I brushed over the are to be preserved with a dark brush (the original shows a women in a white dress standing on a field in autumn), then I pressed "play action". Lots of fx were being loaded into the layers window, and during the loading process, the brushed area on the picture suddenly disappeared (the woman became visible again) and the background changed from the nature field into a neural creme gradient color (don't know if that is normal) I have made the screenshot when the warning "command select is currently not available" appeares for the first time:

Play action and when Photoshop display message: The command Select is not.... click Stop. Photoshop should expand action and highlight step in action. Capture screenshot of actions panel and layers panel visible.

My guess is that some layer is missing which action is trying to select in the Layers panel but it can be and something else like channel in the Channels panel. Let's see a step in action, capture screenshot as explained above. Actions panel should look something like this:

Hello, Thanks a lot for your reply! This sounds logical, however, I am not sure how exactly to "add a select brush step" !.. I am somewhat familiar with Photoshop, but have not worked with actions so far... and I'm also not a pro

In the action palette expand the action. Highlight the select layer step. Click the record button. Then in the tools bar select the brush. Click on the stop recording button. Save the Edited Action set.

Do you have some custom brush preset provided along with actions? Perhaps you are missing that part of the tutorial? It is only one of the possibilities, maybe action is creating and saving brush. However, it seems that brush preset is not available for some reason.

In case that action is creating and saving brush preset, there isn't much ground to help you because it can be anywhere in action, also who can know what brush preset should be saved to work with that action? Only action developer.

Thanks, I tried to record the step "select brush" after highlightiny "select layer" - do I have to select a certain single brush from "spacebrushes", or the whole spacebrushes folder? I tried both, but in the actions menu, "save action set" was not selectable (sorry...)

PS: At last SOME good news: the actions works now with FAIRY TALE ACTION (there was no brush included, just Fairytale.atn (it seems so be important to type "brush" without capital letters, with fairy tale action, it COULD be that this point was the problem... however, Space Action still does not work, I just tried it again, it still always stops at this exact step "select brush bg_5"

Hi again, I could finally solve it, so the reply of the developer is not needed anymore: I found out that the "space brushes.abr" file which I had loaded into the brushes window does NOT belong to the "SPACE PHOTOSHOP ACTION"... I mixed it up, because I have another action called "SPACE ACTION" (which I forgot) and the names of the included brush files are IDENTICAL, so I had loaded the wrong one (space brushes.abr of "Space Action" instead of space brushes.abr of the "Space Photoshop Action" brush!) So it could certainly not find the bg_5 brush, but now it works!

I would like to intstall both of the above mentioned 2 actions in Photoshop, is it a problem that the included brushes of these 2 (different) Photoshop actions have the same name "space brushes.abr"?

YES, exactly. The included (different!!) brush sets of the 2 different actions incidentally have the same name, and in addition, the actions themselves have a VERY similar name: "SPACE ACTION" & "SPACE PHOTOSHOP ACTION") - I had totally forgotten about this other action, and logically thought all the time that "space brushes.abr" was already correctly loaded into brushes window, but it was "space brushes.abr" of this other (2nd) action (which I had not used for quite a while and therefore did not realize the mix-up). Yes, I also thought yesterday it would be wise to rename one of the brush sets, but if it is renamed, will the action stil find the brushes if the brush folder is re-named?

All 3 actions work now perfectly, I think with the other 2 ones (including "Fairy Tale" action) the problem for the warning "command select currently not available" was that the layer "brush" MUST be typed in lowercase/small letters (I am quite sure I had -by habit- typed "Brush" before)

Replace Brushes is not an available option anymore, it uses to be there in a couple of lists but not anymore. Step in action will work because it is looking for specific brush preset which is not tied to any particular group. The problem may occur when action is looking for something in particular set and that is always visible when you expand action step. It action step has recorded: Play action "Test" of set "Actions" then you must have an action named Test in a set named Actions. Whatever is in parenthesis must be present literally.

Paste above code to notepad and save as "Replace.jsx" (incl. double quotes) in 'Presets / Scripts' folder of your Ps. (Re)launch Photoshop and either you make action of it that you will trigger by some key each time you want to make Bushes Replacement or you make shortcut to a script that now is located in 'Files / Scripts' menu as 'Replace'. To do that second go to 'Edit / Keyboard Shortcuts' menu and when 'Application Menus' is chosen find in 'File' an 'Application Menu Command' and set some 'Shortcut' for. Do not forget to save your 'Workspace' if you don't want to lose new shortcut untill you did it by method one (Action). At the end of second line you may change 'NO' to 'ALL' so script is going to inform you of changes meantime made to brushes before they will be replaced. This way you will have chance to save them if necessary !

Tool Presets Usage - I find using tools presets can be awkward. You need to pull-down the Tools preset list from Photoshop's option bar then find and select the preset you want to use. If you have unchecked current tool only so you can select any tool's presets from the pull-down list or to be able to select any tools presets in actions and scripts. Your list of presets can be quite large and finding what you want to use can take some time. Even when you have current tool only checked the presets list can be long. Using Photoshop reset presets can help you to keep your presets list short. But then you will need to load or reload Presets you want to use. If your are a painter you may want to switch between brushes often, quickly and easily in a subset of your brushes for the painting you are doing.Scripting can help here but because of the way Photoshop works that script can get complex for most likely you do not want to just rotate through big set of brushes. You may want to switch back and forth between brushes in a set of brushes. Actually I really do not know for I'm not a painters but, I have seen many make set of brush presets available on the web for others to use. Like at DeviantArt Brushes] also see instruction for installing presets. Because I have a programming background I thought I would make an attempt at making it easier for users to load and switch between a tools presets.In my opinion you should use Adobe Photoshop Alt+Right-click dragging up, down and left,right feature to change your paint brush tip size and hardness. You should use paint brush preset for switching between types of brushes with some useful size.The script I came up with is designed to be use via shortcut keys. In fact for full function two shortcut keys are required a F(n) Forward shortcut key and a (Shift/Alt/Ctrl)+F(n) Backward shortcut key. You can create a script for each set of tool presets you wish to switch between. However each script will need two shortcut keys and be for a single tool for a set of its presets. The script can be used for other tools besides Photoshop's paint brush tool. You only need to customize the provided sample script for your preset sets. Three items need to be set the cycle script function will do all the work. The script is well commented is should be easy to understand. The script checks Photoshop's current tool and if is the correct tool for the Presets the tools settings will be set using your next or previous Tool's Preset else Photoshop current tool will be changed to the correct tool. If you have set up your workspace so your Brush Palette is docked as an Auto-collapse Iconic panel there is a commented out if statement in the script you can uncomment to have the script open the Brush palette when it switches Photoshop's current tool so you will see its feedback. 2351a5e196

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