I believe it is the responsibility of every person in the math community to work actively toward a future that uplifts and cherishes the dignity and joy of all people.  Here are some basics if you're at the beginning of your journey towards a more just community:

Here is an excerpt from "Being a Trans Mathematician: A Q&A with Autumn Kent" written by  Evelyn Lamb:

"Bers famously quoted Plutarch in defense of his admiration for Teichmueller’s work: "It does not of necessity follow that, if the work delights you with its grace, the one who wrought it is worthy of your esteem.” This is of course true, but Teichmueller was still a piece of sh*t and if he were alive today I would not be his friend on Facebook. [Note: Oswald Teichmueller (1913-1943) was a German mathematician and literally a card-carrying Nazi. As a student, he organized a boycott of Edmund Landau, a Jewish math professor at the University of Göttingen. He was killed fighting for the Third Reich in World War II.] I would not invite him to an academic conference. 

The pursuit of knowledge and beauty is admirable, but it should not be undertaken at the expense of the bodies and souls of marginalized people. If my work would result in violence I would abandon it." (Kent)

... and if you're still reading, here is a satire piece that underscroes some issues in academia. 

More excellent reading is waiting for you under #BlackintheIvory on Twitter

Also check out #BlackinMathWeek !