Call for Papers

A Participatory Approach to AI for Mental Health, NeurIPS 2022 Workshop

Important Dates

Abstract Registration deadline: September 25th, 2022, (23:59 AoE)

Submission deadline: September 29th, 2022, (23:59 AoE)

Paper acceptance notification: October 20th, 2022, (23:59 AoE)

Accepted Speaker Video Upload Deadline: November 10th, 2022, (23:59 AoE)

Workshop Date: December 9th, 2022 (8:40 - 18:00 CST, VIRTUAL)

Call For Papers

The workshop invites submissions focused on the following topics

  • Advancing the mental healthcare of under-represented and marginalised communities, through an intersectional lens, with an emphasis on mitigating inequalities and understanding the role of societal, instiutional and interpersonal discrimination.

  • Data and Mental Healthcare, in particular, work that highlights the complexities and differences from other healthcare data including privacy, data leakage and covert inferences for protected characteristics

  • Participatory design for technology in mental healthcare including interpretability frameworks and patient- and community-led initiatives. We especially welcome work that provides generalisable principles from specific, real-world applications.

  • AI/ML research applied to mental healthcare – both inside traditional healthcare and academic institutions and applications developed in community, charity and non-governmental organisations; for example, algorithmic clinical decision support tools, prognostic and diagnostic models and demonstrating novel findings in their socio-technical context.

We accept submissions in the form of extended abstracts. Submissions should be limited to 4 pages, including figures and tables. Authors can submit an unlimited number of pages for references and supplementary material, but supplementary material will not necessarily be reviewed.

Submissions should be made through the OpenReview portal.

Where possible submissions should use the NeurIPS LaTeX style file. However, in recognition that this is an arbitrary barrier to those working outside STEM fields (where LaTeX is not routinely used), we will accept submissions following the same structure but submitted in other document formats. The organising committee will then work with the authors to typeset their papers.