PAGE is Overrun with VAMPIRES!

Have You Noticed the Warning Signs?

People Sitting in Cars at Night

These people are vampire hunters! They are keeping our streets safe! Be sure to knock on their windows and give them a thumbs up to thank them for their work.

Lots of Caravans

Caravans are used to house 'turned' family members. Because they can no longer be invited into the main house, they are sent to live in caravans. Protect yourself and assume that everyone in a caravan is a vampire!

Hostile Garden Lights

Bright, flashing, colourful LED lights repel Vampires. There is a reason there are so many garden lights in Page.


Arbours act like doorways - vampires cannot enter through them unless invited. They add an extra layer of protection to your home.

Lots of bats

When you look up at the sky in Page and see bats flying by it's actually VAMPIRES

Unapproved structures (aka vampire kill rooms)

Why are there so many unapproved structures in Page? It's because the GOVERNMENT KNOWS about the vampire problem, so they turn a blind eye to building violations if it keeps the vampire population down

High Elderly Population

Inexperienced vampires seek out populations of elderly people, as they are less likely to be detected if a victim accidentally dies. There are THREE retirement villages in Page. Coincidence?? NO

Vampire-friendly houses

Houses with red, low lighting are inviting to vampires. Houses will use this lighting to signal that they are a safe haven for vampires. DO NOT APPROACH THESE HOUSES!!!!!

No Werewolves

Because of the high vampire population, there are NO werewolves in Page. The highest concentration of werewolves in Canberra is in Scullin but they WILL NOT cross Chewings Street.

Use this Knowledge to Protect Yourself and Your Family!