WS Act. 1

  1. Why is freedom of the press important in a democracy?

In a democracy, the people hold the power, and the press plays an important role in it because it serves as the people's voice. Since the press serves as a channel of communication between the public and the government, it is regarded as the voice of the voiceless, a fundamental right, and a tenet of democracy. Numerous sources also assert that a free press fights for the truth and holds authority figures responsible for their actions, thus maintaining the balance of power in government.

2. What makes plurality and diversity important as a journalistic principle?

In order for anybody to access, comprehend, and participate in a wide range of information, the media must be inclusive. Furthermore, plurality and diversity are crucial journalistic principles because they ensure that the media can serve all people, regardless of their age, gender, ethnicity, language, or culture, ensuring that everyone has access to the information they need and upholding equality and fairness. The MIL book also states that one of the media's duties is to motivate people from various racial, ethnic, religious, and social groups to engage in nation-building.

3. Why is the principle of self-regulation necessary in media?

Media self-regulation is establishing guidelines for the media and checking adherence to those guidelines by media organizations or users. It is necessary because it guarantees that we can monitor and curate content wisely and that we won't just put whatever we want online. The consequences can be severe if, as a result of careless posting, we violate the law and harm someone or ourselves.