Practical Adoption Challenges of ML for Systems

Sunday, November 3, 2024 – co-located with SOSP 2024 (Austin, TX)

The Workshop Program has been posted!

Workshop Overview

Using ML for improving computer systems has seen a significant amount of work both in academia and industry. With the recent advances in Generative AI models, the potential offered by AI has been growing rapidly. However, deployed uses of such techniques remain rare. While many published works in this space focus on solving the underlying learning problems, we observed that some of the biggest challenges of deploying ML for Systems in practice come from non-ML systems aspects, such as feature stability, reliability, availability, ML integration into rollout processes, verification, safety guarantees, feedback loops introduced by learning, debuggability, and explainability.

During this workshop, we will have invited talks, panels and presentations with the aim of identifying these problems and bringing together practitioners and academic researchers, both on the production systems and ML side, to work towards a methodology for capturing these problems in academic research. We believe that starting this conversation between the academic and industrial research communities will facilitate the adoption of ML for Systems research in production systems, and will provide the academic community with access to new research problems that exist in real-world deployments but have seen less attention in the academic community.

To this end, we invite position papers that explore new challenges and design spaces, short papers that describe completed or early-stage work, and abstracts that summarize works published in the past two years in the broad area of challenges associated with using machine learning in computer systems. A paper accepted to PACMI would not preclude its future publication at a major conference. Accepted papers will have the option to be included in ACM proceedings. For more details about submissions, please refer to the Call for Papers.

Important Dates

Paper submissions due: August 19, 2024 AoE August 26, 2024 AoE

Notification to authors: September 19, 2024 AoE

Final version due: October 3, 2024 AoE

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