Physics And Computation, Mathematics And Numerics 


Welcome to PACMAN, a group meeting to bring together students, postdocs, and faculty at the University of British Columbia interested in physical & computational applied math, broadly construed. We meet weekly to discuss ongoing & past research, practice presentation skills, talk about technical tools of the trade as well the "soft" skills of research, and stay informed about ongoing research activities in applied math at UBC. 

On this site you can find our schedule of upcoming & past meeting topics.

If you're interested in presenting or participating in any capacity, please reach out to us via email or Slack.

Join us at PACMAN for an intellectually stimulating journey where we explore the depths of research, share knowledge, and foster collaboration across disciplines. We look forward to seeing you there! 


 Organizers & Involved Faculty


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MATH 203

1984 Mathematics Road

The University of British Columbia, Vancouver BC, V6T 1Z2 

Mathematics, 1984 Mathematics Road, UBC Vancouver, BC, V6T 1Z2