The pacman package manager is one of the major distinguishing features of Arch Linux. It combines a simple binary package format with an easy-to-use build system. The goal of pacman is to make it possible to easily manage packages, whether they are from the official repositories or the user's own builds.

Pacman queries the local package database with the -Q flag, the sync database with the -S flag and the files database with the -F flag. See pacman -Q --help, pacman -S --help and pacman -F --help for the respective suboptions of each flag.

Pacman Clear Download Cache


The pacman databases are normally located at /var/lib/pacman/sync. For each repository specified in /etc/pacman.conf, there will be a corresponding database file located there. Database files are gzipped tar archives containing one directory for each package, for example for the which package:

Pacman also has some built-in options to clean the cache and the leftover database files from repositories which are no longer listed in the configuration file /etc/pacman.conf. However pacman does not offer the possibility to keep a number of past versions and is therefore more aggressive than paccache default options.

Pacman's settings are located in /etc/pacman.conf: this is the place where the user configures the program to work in the desired manner. In-depth information about the configuration file can be found in pacman.conf(5).

Pacman 6.0 introduced the option to download packages in parallel. ParallelDownloads under [options] needs to be set to a positive integer in /etc/pacman.conf to use this feature (e.g., 5). Packages will otherwise be downloaded sequentially if this option is unset.

Pacman can run pre- and post-transaction hooks from the /usr/share/libalpm/hooks/ directory; more directories can be specified with the HookDir option in pacman.conf, which defaults to /etc/pacman.d/hooks. Hook file names must be suffixed with .hook. Pacman hooks are not interactive.

Pacman hooks are used, for example, in combination with systemd-sysusers and systemd-tmpfiles to automatically create system users and files during the installation of packages. For example, tomcat8 specifies that it wants a system user called tomcat8 and certain directories owned by this user. The pacman hooks systemd-sysusers.hook and systemd-tmpfiles.hook invoke systemd-sysusers and systemd-tmpfiles when pacman determines that tomcat8 contains files specifying users and tmp files.

Besides the special [options] section, each other [section] in pacman.conf defines a package repository to be used. A repository is a logical collection of packages, which are physically stored on one or more servers: for this reason each server is called a mirror for the repository.

Each repository section allows defining the list of its mirrors directly or in a dedicated external file through the Include directive; for example, the mirrors for the official repositories are included from /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist. See the Mirrors article for mirror configuration.

Pacman supports package signatures, which add an extra layer of security to the packages. The default configuration, SigLevel = Required DatabaseOptional, enables signature verification for all the packages on a global level. This can be overridden by per-repository SigLevel lines. For more details on package signing and signature verification, take a look at pacman-key.

The problem is usually trivial to solve (although to be sure, you should try to find out how these files got there in the first place). A safe way is to first check if another package owns the file (pacman -Qo /path/to/file). If the file is owned by another package, file a bug report. If the file is not owned by another package, rename the file which "exists in filesystem" and re-issue the update command. If all goes well, the file may then be removed.

If you had installed a program manually without using pacman, for example through make install, you have to remove/uninstall this program with all of its files. See also Pacman tips#Identify files not owned by any package.

Every installed package provides a /var/lib/pacman/local/package-version/files file that contains metadata about this package. If this file gets corrupted, is empty or goes missing, it results in file exists in filesystem errors when trying to update the package. Such an error usually concerns only one package. Instead of manually renaming and later removing all the files that belong to the package in question, you may explicitly run pacman -S --overwrite glob package to force pacman to overwrite files that match glob.

That same error may also appear if archlinux-keyring is out-of-date, preventing pacman from verifying signatures. See Pacman/Package signing#Upgrade system regularly for the fix and how to avoid it in the future.

When pacman is about to alter the package database, for example installing a package, it creates a lock file at /var/lib/pacman/db.lck. This prevents another instance of pacman from trying to alter the package database at the same time.

Firstly, ensure the package actually exists. If certain the package exists, your package list may be out-of-date. Try running pacman -Syu to force a refresh of all package lists and upgrade. Also make sure the selected mirrors are up-to-date and repositories are correctly configured.

It could also be that the repository containing the package is not enabled on your system, e.g. the package could be in the multilib repository, but multilib is not enabled in your pacman.conf.

If /var/cache/pacman/pkg is a symlink, pacman will try to make a directory instead and thus remove this symlink during self-upgrade. This will cause the update to fail. As a result, /usr/bin/pacman and other contents of the pacman package will be missing.

If you have already encountered this problem and broke your system, you can manually extract /usr contents from the package to restore pacman and then reinstall it properly; see FS#73306 and related forum thread for details.

pacman-staticAUR is a statically compiled version of pacman, so it will be able to run even when the libraries on the system are not working. This can also come in handy when a partial upgrade was performed and pacman can not run anymore.

If even pacman-static does not work, it is possible to recover using an external pacman. One of the easiest methods to do so is by using the archiso and simply using --sysroot or --root to specify the mount point. See Chroot#Using chroot on how to mount the necessary filesystems required by --sysroot.

Note the use of the w flag for interactive mode. Running non-interactively is very risky since you might end up overwriting an important file. Also take care to extract packages in the correct order (i.e. dependencies first). This forum post contains an example of this process where only a couple pacman dependencies are broken.

Make sure that the relevant environment variables ($http_proxy, $ftp_proxy etc.) are set up. If you use pacman with sudo, you need to configure sudo to pass these environment variables to pacman. Also, ensure the configuration of dirmngr has honor-http-proxy in /etc/pacman.d/gnupg/dirmngr.conf to honor the proxy when refreshing the keys.

To recover from this situation, you need to unpack required libraries to your filesystem manually. First find what package contains the missed library and then locate it in the pacman cache (/var/cache/pacman/pkg/). Unpack required shared library to the filesystem. This will allow to run pacman.

Now you need to reinstall the broken package. Note that you need to use --overwrite flag as you just unpacked system files and pacman does not know about it. Pacman will correctly replace our shared library file with one from package.

Some issues have been reported regarding network problems that prevent pacman from updating/synchronizing repositories. [2] [3] When installing Arch Linux natively, these issues have been resolved by replacing the default pacman file downloader with an alternative (see Improve pacman performance for more details). When installing Arch Linux as a guest OS in VirtualBox, this issue has also been addressed by using Host interface instead of NAT in the machine properties.

If sync files are of the correct type, there might be an issue with the mirror server. Look up the mirror server(s) in use with pacman-conf -r core and pacman-conf -r extra. Paste the first returned url in a browser and check that a file listing is returned. In case the mirror returns an error, comment it in /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist.

By default, paccache -r will remove all but the last three versions of an installed package, but you can change this number with the -k, --keep switch. There is also a -d, --dryrun switch to preview your changes. You can also use the -m, --move option to move the packages to a separate directory of your choice. See paccache -h or paccache --help for all the switches.

There are a number of utilities in the pacman-contrib package to assist with package management, it is worth looking though them all and gaining an understanding of how they work and can make running Arch much easier. You can see the full list with:

I strongly suggest the use of paccache instead of pacman -Sc.There is even a very effective flag for removing selectively the versions of uninstalled packages -u.The flags of paccache I recommend are (as part of paccache v5.0.2):

It is also possible to completely empty the cache folder with pacman -Scc, but doing it is considered bad practice, as, in addition to the above, it also prevents from reinstalling a package directly from the cache folder in case of need, thus forcing to redownload it. You should never use it unless there is a desperate need for more disk space.

As an aside, when I uninstall packages, I prefer to use pacman -Rnsc, since it also removes package dependencies as well as packages that depend on this one. As always, read carefully which packages are being removed, since you could very easily leave our system in an unusable state. ff782bc1db

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