pack 858 Events
Each year, Pack 858 follows a similar schedule each year as displayed below. For specific dates and times for events this year, please visit our calendar page.
Pack Events & Information
Blue & Gold Celebration
In February of each year, the pack organizes a formal banquet to honor the accomplishments of our oldest scouts. Typically a meal is held and a ceremony coordinated to congratulate the 5th graders in the pack. This meeting notes the official transition of Cub Scouts to the Scouts BSA Troop.
Den Meetings
Small group, Den Meetings are typically held each month of the year to work on grade-specific rank advancements. The Den Leader for each grade is responsible for scheduling these meetings and planning the content.
Pack Meetings
Pack Meetings are a special time each month for the entire pack to get together and participate in fun, meaningful activities. The Cubmaster is responsible for scheduling these meetings and planning content.
Food Bank
Several times per year, Pack 858 organizes small group participation at the Greater St. Louis Area Foodbank. Scouts help sort and organize food in preparation for distribution to needy families.
Brickyard Derby
Brickyard Derby is held with cars made by the Scouts out of plastic blocks (e. g. Legos). Each scout has the opportunity to craft their most creative car and race for speed down the aluminum pinewood derby track.
Pack Camping (Fall & Spring)
The Pack typically camps twice per year as organized by the Pack. Fall camp is often held near fall break in October and Spring Camp is usually held in April. Campsites rotate between area campgrounds including Beaumont Scout Reservation, Klondike Park, and Cuivre River State Park.
Pinewood Derby
One highlight of the scouting year for many families is the pinewood derby race. Our pack races these miniture cars that are created by scouts during January. Scouts earn prizes for the fastest, most creative, best workmanship, etc.
Rank Advancement
In May of each year, Pack 858 gathers to celebrate all of the achievements of the scouts for that school year.
Summer Activities
Each summer Pack 858 decides on activities for that specific summer. Typical examples include hikes, pool parties, trips to the city museum, and others.