Who is "Pack2831"?
Friends of Pocahontas State Park is our incredibly generous charter organization. Heart of Virginia Council (HoVC) is our Boys Scouts of America (BSA) council and we are in BSA's Arrohattoc District.
With more than 100 scouts, we are based in the Woodlake area of Midlothian VA, in Chesterfield County. Most of our scouts are students at Woolridge Elementary School, but also Millwood School (private), Clover Hill, Winterpock, and Grange Hall.
What is Cub Scouting?
Cub Scouting is a program of the Boy Scouts of America (BSA), whose overall mission is to help young people build character, learn citizenship, and develop personal fitness. Cub Scouting focuses on boys and girls in kindergarten through fifth grades (or from ages 5 through 10.)
2024 Flyer

2023-2024 PACK 2831
3-FOLD Brochure
3-FOLD Brochure

Quick announcements and News
03/08/2024: 33 cub scouts collected a total of 2,288.99 lbs. of food during our winter scouting for food event. The collected items were delivered to the Belmont Food Pantry. A big shout out to all our neighbors for your generous contributions during this event! 🥫 [Highlighted in HOVC Friday 5 newsletter]
03/08/2024: We enjoyed a great outdoors pack meeting and had a great time with the St. Patrick + Easter scavenger hunt that combined orienteering, leadership, communication and teamwork skills for all ranks
03/02/2024: Cub scouts from P2831 earned the 1st and 3rd place in the district pinewood derby race! Congratulations! 🏁
02/25/2024: 42 Cub scouts and their families endured the toughest winter campout to date (due to unforeseen weather change) and 27 cub scouts earned the prestigious Polar Bear patch. Well done, scouts! 🥶
02/09/2024: Blue and Gold banquet & Bears Carnival
Quick guides for new Cub Scout families

Cub Scouting...
Is for all boys and girls
Is for families
Is fun
Has ideals
Provides adventure
Helps boys and girls develop skills and interests
Has an advancement plan
Teaches boys and girls to reach out
Teaches duty to God and country
Provides a year-round program
Helps organizations
Purposes of Cub Scouting
The Cub Scouting program has 10 purposes related to the overall aims of the Boy Scouts of America -- To build character, learn citizenship, and develop personal fitness:
Character Development
Spiritual Growth
Good Citizenship
Sportsmanship and Fitness
Family Understanding
Respectful Relationships
Personal Achievement
Friendly Service
Fun and Adventure
Preparation for Boy Scouts