Parent Information

Popcorn Sales for Pack 107 Fundraising

Trails-End Popcorn is Pack 107’s annual fundraiser and helps support events, outings awards, pinewood derby, and much more. There is no requirement to sell, but any sale/contribution goes a long way in keeping our pack thriving! We have found that family and friends are very willing to help, especially when they are reminded that the majority of their donation goes to the scouts, and the popcorn is just a nice gift!

Scouts can sell popcorn individually, and they can also participate in "Show & Sells". If you are new to scouts you can set up a Trails-End account for your scout. Once you make an account you can get your personalized link to share, or use the app to make sales.

Register a new account as "a parent on behalf of your scout" > enter your info > enter your scouts info > create a username and password > Spirit of Adventure Council > West Wind District > Pack 107 Chelmsford.