Online Tools
Online Tools
Scoutbook is an online website for managing Scouting Groups. Our pack manages pack & den calendars, member rosters, and advancement in Scoutbook. Your den leader may ask for your help with signing off advancement in Scoutbook, especially for any requirements completed at home. If you need help using Scoutbook, reach out to your den leader or the pack advancement chair.
First Time Users
Every parent of a Pack 565 Cub Scout should login to Scoutbook at least once so that they will receive important email notifications and reminders from the Pack and den leaders. Ideally, you will log in to Scoutbook regularly to see calendar updates and check your scout’s advancement progress.
An invite to log in to Scoutbook will be sent to you by email soon after your child’s membership application has been accepted. If you do not receive a Scoutbook invite by email within 2-3 days after applying for membership, email the Pack leaders requesting a new Scoutbook invite.
Through my Adult leaders are able to complete Leader training, YPT, and manage payments for national dues for adults and youths.
Youth Protection: A Parent's Guide
As a requirement for each Cub Scout rank, a parent must have a conversation with their scout about the five youth protection topics, which can be found midway through the pamphlet linked above. A typical conversation of all five topics lasts about 15 to 20 minutes and can be calibrated to the age and maturity of your scout when it is repeated each year. In the first year, we suggest you read through the exercise topics once on your own before beginning the conversation with your scout. There is also a requirement for the scout to watch the 15 to 20 minute Protect Yourself video (linked below) for their grade level. This portion of the adventure is done at home with a parent or guardian.
Protect Yourself Videos Lion Tiger Wolve Bear Webelo AOL
Youth Protection Training (YPT)
Every parent who is a den leader, a member of the committee or participates in ANY OVERNIGHT event must complete Youth Protection Training. This is an online course which takes approx. 72 minutes to complete. YPT expires and must be retaken every 2 years. Proof of YPT completion within the last 2 years must be shown before entry to any Scout camp or participation in any Scout overnight.
BSA Medical Form (parts A, B1, B2)
A completed and signed copy of the BSA Medical form (parts A, B1, and B2) must be provided in hardcopy to the pack Committee Chair or the pack Medic before attending any pack activities. This form is good for 12 months. Click here for more information about BSA annual health and medical record requirements.
Pro Tip: It is possible to fill out the medical form PDF in Adobe Acrobat Reader and save the completed file to be quickly updated and printed whenever needed.