I'm trying to pass a path to bash.exe from the Windows Command Prompt (e.g. bash -c ls /mnt/me/Desktop). Since that requires me to pass a POSIX path, I was wondering if Microsoft offers any tools to translate Win32 paths programmatically into POSIX paths (like cygpath does in Cygwin, or winepath on Wine)

Custom Translator: Custom Translator can be used to create customized translation models that you can then use to customize your translated output while using the Text Translation or Document Translation features.

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I eventually found an answer here:Where is the Ubuntu file system root directory in Windows NT subsystem and vice versa?. The command to access my Ubuntu user's test.txt inside the windows application sublime from the Ubuntu subsystem Bash:

However, I was not able to type argostranslate in the terminal after that, and also not argos-translate. They were not recognized as commands. This puzzled me a lot until somebody on IRC helped me by guessing that I had to do this:

Step 1: Open the Application

Whenever you need to translate text, simply open the Smartcat Translator for Windows application. The app will remain accessible on your desktop, ready for your translation tasks.

Use a convenient shortcut provided by Smartcat Translator for Windows. This shortcut will automatically translate the text in your clipboard and copy the translation back to your clipboard. This feature allows for a quick and seamless translation experience.

The new features put translation capabilities when and where you need them. For example, translate words, phrases, and full messages. In addition, you can opt into having messages in other languages automatically translated.

Secondly, after translating, you can opt into automatic translation, where all messages you receive in other languages will automatically be translated. However, if no suggestion was offered, you can still translate the message. Click the Translate button in the Ribbon, and then click Translate Message.

I wouldn't be too keen to add a user to group 'disk' as they would have write access to all disk devices including the linux system disk.

eg user could dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda

One option could be to create a group 'windisk' say and chgrp the windows

disk and partitions to this group.

I think you would need a udev rule to do this.

Perhaps the selinux profile on Fedora already prevents a user from modifying a disk except through vbox etc.

 To make a translated audio or video call, click or tap on the audio or video call button in your conversation. Your voice will be translated, and the translation will also be shown as subtitles in your call window.

Sometimes words have several meanings, such as "May" in English, whichrefers to a month name and to a verb. To enable translators to translatethese words correctly in different contexts, you can use thedjango.utils.translation.pgettext() function, or thedjango.utils.translation.npgettext() function if the string needspluralization. Both take a context string as the first variable.

The name, name_local, and name_translated attributes of thedictionary contain the name of the language in English, in the languageitself, and in your current active language respectively. The bidiattribute is True only for bi-directional languages.

When you use both the pluralization feature and bind values to local variablesin addition to the counter value, keep in mind that the blocktranslateconstruct is internally converted to an ngettext call. This means thesame notes regarding ngettext variablesapply.

Another feature {% blocktranslate %} supports is the trimmed option.This option will remove newline characters from the beginning and the end ofthe content of the {% blocktranslate %} tag, replace any whitespace at thebeginning and end of a line and merge all lines into one using a spacecharacter to separate them. This is quite useful for indenting the content of a{% blocktranslate %} tag without having the indentation characters end upin the corresponding entry in the .po file, which makes the translationprocess easier.

While Django provides a rich set of i18n tools for use in views and templates,it does not restrict the usage to Django-specific code. The Django translationmechanisms can be used to translate arbitrary texts to any language that issupported by Django (as long as an appropriate translation catalog exists, ofcourse). You can load a translation catalog, activate it and translate text tolanguage of your choice, but remember to switch back to original language, asactivating a translation catalog is done on per-thread basis and such changewill affect code running in the same thread.

In all cases the name of the directory containing the translation is expected tobe named using locale name notation. E.g. de, pt_BR, es_AR,etc. Untranslated strings for territorial language variants use the translationsof the generic language. For example, untranslated pt_BR strings use pttranslations.

This is something that I quickly hacked together for someone in the community who needed to batch convert a whole bunch of docx files into markdown on windows. I found a couple of GUIs for pandoc but none of them could process docx files in batch for some reason, so I decided to do it with PowerShell instead.

Video content is king when it comes to the web. Soon, Microsoft Edge will translate videos in real time at the push of a button. The feature, first spotted by Leo Varela, will soon be in testing among Canary Channel Insiders. Insiders will be able to translate videos into four languages, English, French, Spanish, and Russian.

Microsoft has been in the translation business for years. Skype began testing real-time translation in 2015. Microsoft has improved translation tech steadily over the years, including TruVoice real-time translation, which makes the translated words sound like the original speaker rather than a machine.

Windows 11 is a mess. Weirdly, I find that quite endearing. After decades of its existence as a deathly dull operating system, I'm kinda into Windows showing us its fallible side. But does it need to do it so damn often now, and in such strange ways? The latest is the way that Windows 11 will auto-translate the context menu's option to compress data into a .zip file for people in the UK to say 'postcode.'

For those of you a little confused about what a postcode is, it's effectively the same as a US zip code; a way of distilling a postal address down to but a few characters. Hence why some rogue auto-translate function in Windows 11 is occasionally switching 'zip' to 'postcode' in the UK's Windows menus.

Using Microsoft Speech Translation technology powered by Azure Cognitive Services, meeting participants can now use live captions to translate voice to subtitles using a language of their choice in a Teams meeting. Live translation for captions is ideal in meetings with multi-lingual participants, as it supports one spoken language and multiple subtitle languages.

We also provide a version of the same monthly webinar topic, but with a Spanish-speaking presenter (I took a French class!). With this feature, I attend as a moderator! If there are questions that are asked during the webinar using chat, I use the text translation feature to communicate my answer. Otherwise, when opened up for Q&A and attendees speak, we can read the translated captions and clearly communicate.

It really is that easy! You are just a few clicks away from live translated captions in Microsoft Teams. Give it a try, see if you like it, and decide if this preview feature is something that you would like to use all the time. As Teams Premium rolls out, we will learn more information about that type of license. For now? Check it out!

The first version of Microsoft's machine translation system was developed between 1999 and 2000 within Microsoft Research. This system was based on semantic predicate-argument structures known as logical forms (LF) and was spun from the grammar correction feature developed for Microsoft Word. This system was eventually used to translate the entire Microsoft Knowledge Base into Spanish, French, German, and Japanese.[4]

Microsoft's approach to machine translation, like most modern machine translation systems, is "data driven":[5] Rather than relying on writing explicit rules to translate natural language, algorithms are trained to understand and interpret translated parallel texts, allowing them to automatically learn how to translate new natural language text. Microsoft's experience with the LF system led directly to a treelet translation system that simplified the LF to dependency trees and eventually to an order template model, significantly improving in speed and enabling the incorporation of new target languages.[citation needed]

The consumer-facing translation site known as Bing Translator (previously known as Windows Live translator) was launched in 2007 and provides free text and website translations on the web. Text is translated directly within the Bing Translator webpage while websites are translated through the Bilingual Viewer tools.[citation needed]

BLEU (Bilingual Evaluation Understudy) is an algorithm for evaluating the quality of text which has been machine-translated from one natural language to another. Quality is considered to be the correspondence between a machine's output and that of a human. BLEU was one of the first metrics to achieve a high correlation with human judgments of quality, and remains one of the most popular automated and inexpensive metrics.

A personal universal translator that enables up to 500 people to have live, multi-device, multi-language, in person translated conversations.[15] This feature is currently free and available in the Microsoft Translator apps (Android, iOS or Windows) and from the browser at: translator.microsoft.com

Bing Microsoft Translator (previously Live Search Translator, Windows Live Translator, and Bing Translator)[19] is a user facing translation portal provided by Microsoft as part of its Bing services to translate texts or entire web pages into different languages. All translation pairs are powered by the Microsoft Translator, a Neural machine translation platform and web service, developed by Microsoft Research, as its backend translation software. Two transliteration pairs (between Chinese (Simplified) and Chinese (Traditional)) are provided by Microsoft's Windows International team.[20] ff782bc1db

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