Here you can find a list of my publications


10) "Bicircular light tuning of magnetic symmetry and topology in Dirac semimetal Cd3As2"
T. V. Trevisan, P. Villar Arribi, O. Heinonen, R.-J. Slager, and P. P. Orth

9) "Hund's metal crossover and superconductivity in the 111 family of iron-based superconductors"
P. Villar Arribi and L. de' Medici
Phys. Rev. B 104, 125130 (2021)

8) "Accurate modeling of FeSe with screened Fock exchange and Hund metal correlations"
T. Gorni,
P. Villar Arribi, M. Casula, and L. de' Medici
Phys. Rev. B 104, 014507 (2021)

7) "Strong Superexchange in a d9−δ Nickelate Revealed by Resonant Inelastic X-Ray Scattering"
J.  Q. Lin,
P. Villar Arribi, G. Fabbris, A.  S. Botana, D. Meyers, H. Miao, Y. Shen, D.  G. Mazzone, J. Feng, S.  G. Chiuzbăian, A. Nag, A.  C. Walters, M. García-Fernández, Ke-Jin Zhou, J. Pelliciari, I. Jarrige, J.  W. Freeland, Junjie Zhang, J.  F. Mitchell, V. Bisogni, X. Liu, M.  R. Norman, and M.  P.  M. Dean
Phys. Rev. Lett. 126, 087001 (2021)

6) "Striped electron fluid on (111) KTaO3"
P. Villar Arribi, A. Paramekanti, and M. R. Norman
Phys. Rev. B 103, 035115 (2021)


5) "Enhancement of charge instabilities in Hund's metals by breaking of rotational symmetry"
M. Chatzieleftheriou, M. Berović,
P. Villar Arribi, M.Capone, and L. de' Medici
Phys. Rev. B 102, 205127 (2020)

4) "Topological surface states in strained Dirac semimetal thin films"
P. Villar Arribi, J.-X. Zhu, T. Schumann, S. Stemmer, A. A. Burkov, and O. Heinonen
Phys. Rev. B 102, 155141 (2020)


3) "Magnetic competition in Fe-based germanide and silicide superconductors"
P. Villar Arribi, F. Bernardini, L. de' Medici, P. Toulemonde, S. Tencé and A. Cano
Eur. Phys. Lett. 128 47004 (2019)


2) "Hund-Enhanced Electronic Compressibility in FeSe and its Correlation with Tc"
P. Villar Arribi and L. de’ Medici
Phys. Rev. Lett. 121, 197001 (2018)


1) "Efficient thermoelectric materials using nonmagnetic double perovskites with d0/d6 band filling"
P. Villar Arribi, P. García-Fernández, J. Junquera, and V. Pardo
Phys. Rev. B 94, 035124 (2016)