I'm Pablo Poggi and I'm currently a Research fellow at the  Quantum Optics and Quantum Many-Body Systems (QOQMS) group at the University of Strathclyde.

Before this, I worked at the Center for Quantum Information and Control (CQuIC) at the University of New Mexico, where I was first an FRHTP postdoctoral fellow (2018 to 2020) and later a Research Professor (2020 - 2022).

 From 2013 to 2017, I did my PhD at the University of Buenos Aires (Departamento de Física) working with Diego Wisniacki and Fernando Lombardo. 

Control of quantum systems

How can we most efficiently use time-dependent fields to produce robust quantum gates and entangled states for quantum technologies? 

Quantum chaos

How does classical chaos arises from quantum dynamics? What signatures of chaos are there in the quantum regime? What is the role of quantum chaos in quantum technologies?

Quantum simulation

Can we construct robust devices that simulate complex quantum many-body systems?

Dynamical properties of quantum systems

Can we define quantum dynamical phases of matter out of equilibrium? What interesting dynamical responses can be engineered combining dissipation, driving and measurements?

Contact me

Pablo Poggi pablo.poggi@strath.ac.uk


Research Fellow, QOQMS

Department of Physics, University of Strathclyde

Glasgow, Scotland