Ozivi AI Videos Review - Unravel A World Of Possibilities With OZIVI A.I

If you're a marketer, video creator, or business owner looking for a powerful, cutting-edge video marketing platform, look no further than Ozivi. This revolutionary platform offers a wealth of features and capabilities that make it the ultimate tool for creating and implementing interactive, personalized, and conversational video marketing campaigns. 

 What Is Ozivi AI?

Ozivi is an interactive video platform that allows users to create engaging and immersive video content. The platform comes with a variety of features such as the Video Builder, which allows users to quickly create beautiful videos, and the ability to collect leads inside videos using stunning done-for-you interactive form templates. 

Ozivi also uses WebRTC technology, the same technology used by Netflix, to provide users with the fastest, smoothest, and safest video communication. Other features include the ability to book appointments and deals with clients right inside videos, create extensive interactive video funnels, and interact with customers right inside their inbox. 

With Ozivi, you can turn any video into an interactive experience, and with the commercial license, you can also sell these experiences as a service.

Ozivi A.I Works In Just 3 Easy Steps:

Step #1: Link Your Video(s) Into OZIVI or Create. From Scratch Using Our World Class Video Builder

Step #2: Your Videos Into Interactive Video Experiences With Amazing & Intuitive Customizations

Step #3: Your Experiences Right Inside Emails, Web Pages, Articles & Even Inside Videos, All With One Little Piece Of Copy Paste Code.

Here is a step-by-step guide for you to start using Ozivi:

Sign up for an Ozivi account: To start using Ozivi, you will need to create an account by visiting the Ozivi website and signing up for a plan that best suits your needs.

Create a new video: Once you have logged in to your Ozivi account, you can start creating a new video by using the intuitive video builder. You can use the elements provided by Ozivi, or import your own video from a URL, camera, or screen recording.

Add interactive elements: Ozivi allows you to add interactive elements such as lead forms, polls, quizzes, and more to your videos. These elements help to engage your viewers and collect valuable information about your audience.

Publish your video: Once you have finished creating your video, you can publish it to your website, social media channels, or anywhere else you would like to share it.

Track and analyze results: Ozivi provides you with a dashboard that allows you to track and analyze the results of your videos. You can see how many viewers have watched your video, how long they have engaged with it, and where they have dropped off.

Optimize your videos: Using the data collected, you can optimize your videos to improve their performance and increase conversions.

Repeat: Create more videos and experiment with different interactive elements to see what works best for your audience.

👉 Ready To Take Your Video Marketing To The Next Level? Get Ozivi Now And Start Seeing The Benefits Of Interactive, Personalized, And Conversational Video Experiences.

Ozivi AI Features And Benefits:

Ozivi is a powerful interactive video platform that allows users to create, customize and optimize interactive videos for their business. The platform offers a wide range of features and benefits, including:

Intuitive Video Builder: Ozivi's Video Builder is a class-leading builder that allows users to mix and match different clips and elements provided by the platform to create their perfect video. Users can import videos from any URL, screen record, camera record, import from stock memberships directly into Ozivi, hijack YouTube videos and edit them, create courses, training videos and more.

Lead Collection: Ozivi allows users to collect leads inside videos using stunning done-for-you interactive form templates. This feature is proven statistically to be the best way to get more qualified, targeted leads.

WebRTC Technology: Ozivi is powered by the same technology Netflix is using for the fastest, smoothest and safest video communication. This ensures that viewers have the best experience and as a result, users can make maximum bank.

Book Appointments: Ozivi A.I allow users to create an automated schedule and allow clients to book appointments and even buy directly from the interactive videos.

Infinite Video Loops: Users can set up infinite video loops, which means that depending on how the viewer engages with the video, they'll be shown another video, and another video, and another video, for as many as they want.

Testimonial Collection: Ozivi allows users to collect, share, and embed video, text, and audio testimonials on the fly.

Video Funnels: Ozivi allows users to create extensive interactive video funnels like a pro in minutes.

Email Integration: Ozivi allows users to interact with customers right inside their inbox using a single line of code.

Automated Replies: Ozivi allows users to automatically crack up conversations with viewers without being present.

Tracking: Ozivi tracks everything, including every campaign, every embed code, every video, every second that viewers tend to pause on, most replayed parts of the video, and overall all the information needed to optimize.

Beginner-Friendly Dashboard: Ozivi's dashboard and user panel are extremely beginner-friendly and intuitive, making it easy for users to navigate and use the platform.

Video Designer: Ozivi allows users to make their videos beautiful with the fun video designer feature.