
My research interests lie mainly in the fields of low-dimensional topology and hyperbolic geometry.  In particular, I have been learning hyperbolic knot theory and working on knots and links in Seifert-fibred spaces such as the 3-torus and the unit tangent bundle of the modular surface.  

Publications and preprints: 

With Jessica S. Purcell 

Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society. Published open access Feb 2024. 

(arXiv version: arXiv:2212.04662) 

Accepted by Proc. Amer. Math. Soc.  Available at arXiv:2307.06317, 2023.  

With José Andrés Rodríguez Migueles

Submitted for publication. Available at arXiv:2308.12847, 2023.  

With Dionne Ibarra and José Andrés Rodríguez Migueles 

Submitted for publication. Available at arXiv:2402.00400, 2024.  

With Benjamin A. Burton, Thiago de Paiva and Alexander He 

Submitted for publication. Available at arXiv:2403.11523, 2024. 

Can you see the complement of the three rods in the 3-torus is the complement of the Borromean rings in the 3-sphere? 

Non-destructive crushing

(Some notes taken during a mini-course given by Alex He in July 2023) 

Projects with preprints in progress: 

With Norman Do and Jessica S. Purcell

With Thiago de Paiva and José Andrés Rodríguez Migueles

Relationship between bunches of strands in a modular knot and its hyperbolic volume? 

Some slides and poster for talks

A complete classification of rod complements in the 3-torus

Modular links: Bunch algorithm and upper volume bounds
