
DIY Resources

We put together a few resources for the do it yourself-er please read the disclaimer below.

We will be adding more resources regularly so check back often.

Finding a business name or Branding

A good business name, branding will help your clients identify with your product or service. There are many agencies and services out the is one of them, use the contact us form. Our prices range from $99.00 to $299.00 the difference being how many rounds and choices you need.


Finding titles can be a daunting task, so we provided 500 for you.

Just replace the word REPLACE with your own product, service or tagline from the list below.

Getting a good domain is key

I like to use google domains for my high end websites, the ones I want to sleep safe at night knowing they are registered with a reputable registrar. For all others I use Name Silo they have fair prices and good tools needed to maintain the domains.

How Domain Name Registration Works

Domain name registration is neither expensive nor a difficult task. We will try to help you in explaining the basics of domain name registration.

First of all, you have to be clear about which domain name extension you need to use during the domain name registration. If you want to run your website for commercial use, then you should go for a .com extension. If it is for a nonprofit organization then you may choose a .org one. Other extensions are available they are .net, .info, and .biz. to name a few.

Some extension could not be used by general public unless proper authorization is achieved. .edu and .gov are two of them.

Once you have decided upon the selection of the extension, you need to see whether the domain name that you desire is available or not. In order to do this, you can use a site like I am sure they are safe to search with, because there are some registrars that sell their searches to companies that will hold on to them and wait to make a profit on them.

Another site I use to check for domains is they do not register domain, but what they do is search the whois directories and show basic results like available or not, there also have a other interesting scripts that I use, but they are for members only.

There are many others that would let you search for a domain name. They are easy to use. You have to simply enter the name that you have chosen and see what you get in return. This would let you know whether is desired name is available or not. if the name is already taken, then some will offer you suggestions, meaning you will receive a list of suggestions that are similar to the name you entered. Hopefully you may be able to register one to your liking.

The next step is the actual domain name registration. You are strongly advised to select a well known registrar so that the chances of having customer service issues down the road are decreased. To compare different registrar, you can search for reviews of different domain name registration companies and see what others are saying about them. In this way you can judge which one of them is better for you. Most of the registrar will charge you less than $10 so does not pay more than that. After picking up your registrar, just follow the procedure on their website. This procedure will require you to fill a form with your personal information and then pay them their fee via credit card or other payment options. As you are giving them your private information so it is important that you opt for the privacy policy. Most of the registrar will offer you with the option either free or charge a minimal fee.

You have to be careful when typing your domain name as if typed incorrectly, it will become yours and most of the registrars do not have a refund policy and thus you have to pay once again for it.

After submitting the form, you are done with your part and the remaining process will be completed by the registrar. It may take a couple of days for the process to complete in full.

You also need a profession email and software to run your company, I use G Suit, try it out.

Click on the link below, most time they offer a free trial period.

Hosting provider

For website hosting I use a variety of companies since I have 300 websites to host. These are some of my favorites.

This affiliate disclosure details the affiliate relationships of with other companies and products. Some of the links on might be “affiliate links”, a link with a special tracking code. I might get a commission if you decide to purchase anything from any of these companies I only recommend products and systems that I used and love myself so you know you're in good hands.