How it works

Seminars take place on a (roughly) monthly basis (30 minutes + 15 minutes for questions). 

Upcoming talks can be found here and in the schedule here, which will be updated regularly. 

To receive email updates you can subscribe to the Extreme Value Analysis mailing-list by contacting:

Or you can integrate the google calendar in your own calendar.

The actual seminars use zoom as a virtual platform. 

Please find the log-in link below.

Some basics: 

We also ask for your patience with any technical difficulties.

Log-in link

The log-in link for the next seminar is available 15 minutes ahead of the start. You may have to refresh your browser.

The present link is: 

The hosts will let you join the meeting 5 minutes before it starts. 

(Before that you will be in the "waiting room" of the meeting.)