Orono-Veazie Little League Baseball and Softball

Welcome to Orono-Veazie Little League! 

The season runs approximately May 1 through mid-June, with tournament play to follow for some levels. We ask that players register as soon as possible (preferably before March 25) so we can establish teams and plan game schedules. If field conditions allow, we will schedule practices in late April for some age levels.

Our program focuses on fun and instruction, preparing each player for the next competitive level. We strive to place each child where they have the best chance for success. The league directors evaluate each player to determine the appropriate level.

T-ball is for early players, ages 4-6. This program holds two meetings a week in Orono, with informal skills and small games. T-ball is scheduled to run Mondays and Thursdays, 5:15-6:15 at the Asa Adams field in Orono.

Farm League is a coach-pitch league, typically for ages 7 -8. As of now, we plan practices once a week at St. Mary's Field, with typically one game per week. Game schedules will be established in mid-April. Home activities are at the St. Mary's field in Orono. The field is located between Asa Adams school and the town pool.

Minor League, typically ages 9-10, is the first player-pitch team. Softball and baseball plan to practice one to two times a week with one to two games per week. Game schedule are not established yet.

Major League, typically ages 11-12, is for more experienced players. Baseball and softball commonly practice one to two times a week with one to two games per week. Game schedules are not established yet.

Junior League, 13-14, and Senior League, 15-16, will follow a similar schedule as major league, but starting a few weeks later.

Questions? ovllpresident@gmail.com