
Dr. Amy Overman, Principal Investigator

Our research focuses on how the human brain processes information and differences in processing that occur as people grow older and gain experience. We test theories of human cognition by designing experimental studies and collecting data from young and older adult participants, using behavioral, eye-tracking, and neuroimaging (fMRI) methodologies. We also investigate research questions that can be answered by analyzing existing neuroimaging data sets. Our research is primarily focused on discovering new knowledge about the mechanisms of episodic memory, including how people remember context and make associations in memory. We also conduct some applied science that investigates how real-world factors influence cognition and ways in which cognition can be improved.

Engaging undergraduates in meritorious research, building belongingness, and creating opportunities for students from underrepresented groups are important goals of the CNMA Lab (Overman, 2019).

Our research is supported by the National Institute on Aging/National Institutes of Health, the National Science Foundation, and other funding sources.

Contact us: elonmemorylab@gmail.com or (336) 355-7081