Scientific operates in the concepts of finances and credit, based on the specification of the investigation item, are characterized to be many-sided and many-leveled.

The definition of totality of the inexpensive relations formed in the act of formation, distribution and utilization of finances, as money places is generally spread. For example, in "the general theory of finances" you will find two definitions of finances:

1) "...Finances reflect inexpensive relations, development of the resources of money places, along the way of distribution and redistribution of national receipts according to the circulation and usage" ;.That meaning is given somewhat to the problems of Capitalism, when cash-commodity relations gain general figure;

2) "Finances represent the formation of centralized advertising decentralized income sources, economical relations somewhat with the distribution and utilization, which serve for fulfillment of their state operates and obligations and also over here provision of the problems of the increased more production" ;.That explanation is brought without showing the environment of its action. We reveal partially such reason of finances and think expedient to make some specification.

First, finances over come the bounds of distribution and redistribution support of the national money, although it is really a basic foundation of finances. Also, development and use of the depreciation account which can be the element of economic domain, goes not to the circulation and redistribution of the national money (of newly shaped value during a year), but to the distribution of presently created value.

That newest first seems to be part of value of main industrial funds, later it is transferred to the fee cost of a prepared solution (that is to the worth too) and as a result of its recognition, and it is collection the despair fund. Their supply is taken into account before hand as a depression kind in the consistence of the ready services and products price price.

2nd, definitive goal of finances is much wider then "happiness of their state operates and obligations and provision of problems for the increased more production" ;.Finances occur on the state level and also on the makes and branches' level also, and such situations, when the most the main produces are not state.

V. M. Rodionova features a various place about that topic: "actual development of the economic resources starts on the point of distribution, when the value is understood and cement economical types of the recognized price are divided from the consistence of the profit" ;.V. M. Rodionova makes an accent of finances, as distributing relations, when D. S. Moliakov underlines industrial foundation of finances. Nevertheless both of these provide really confirm debate of finances, as a method of formation, distribution and utilization of the resources of money places, that comes out of the subsequent explanation of the finances: "economic income relations, which forms along the way of circulation and redistribution of the partial value of the national wealth and full cultural item, is connected with the matters of the economy and development and application of their state money incomes and savings in the widened further manufacturing, in the product excitement of the employees for satisfaction of the culture social and other requests" ;.

In the guides of the political economy we match with these meanings of finances:

"Finances of the socialistic state signify economical (cash) relations, with the aid of which, in the way of in the pipeline circulation of the incomes and savings the resources of income resources of their state and socialistic manufactures are formed for guaranteeing the growth of the manufacturing, rising the material and national amount of the people and for rewarding other general culture requests" ;.

"The system of development and utilization of required funds of income sources for guarantying socialistic increased further creation represent the finances of the socialistic society. And the totality of economical relations arisen between state, produces and organizations, offices, parts and separate resident in line with the movement of cash resources make economic relations" ;.

As we've observed, meanings of finances made by financiers and political economists do not vary greatly.