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How does SAS implement or support these techniques in SAS/STAT or SAS Enterprise Miner? The HPNeural procedure has appropriate cabablilities to define up to 10 hidden layers and neurons. Can these options help me to build a deep learning model?

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Now for PROC NEURAL ... which is more complicated. PROC NEURAL allows for layerwise pretraining and can help you avoid one of the most common pratfalls in training deep neural networks: vanishing and exploding gradients.

PROC NEURAL provides a mechanism to help you avoid vanishing and exploding gradients in deep networks by training only one layer of the network at a time. Once all the layers have been initialized through this pre-training process to values that are usually more suitable for the data, you can usually train the deep network using standard techniques without the problem of vanishing and exploding gradients.

Please be aware that recent advances in deep learning are hot topics at SAS R&D too and we are hoping to provide much more functionality for deep learning in coming releases ... but - as always - no promises or gaurantees about products or timelines.

Deep-sea mining is the process of extracting and often excavating mineral deposits from the deep seabed. The deep seabed is the seabed at ocean depths greater than 200m, and covers about two-thirds of the total seafloor. Research suggests deep-sea mining could severely harm marine biodiversity and ecosystems, but we still lack the knowledge and means to implement protections.

Despite this, there is growing interest in the mineral deposits of the seabed. This is said to be due to depleting terrestrial deposits of metals such as copper, nickel, aluminium, manganese, zinc, lithium and cobalt. Demand for these metals is also increasing to produce technologies like smartphones, wind turbines, solar panels and batteries.

To date, the ISA has only issued exploration contracts, but is developing regulations to govern the transition to exploitation. In June 2021, the Government of Nauru notified the ISA of their intention to start deep-sea mining, triggering a rush to finalise the ISA regulations.

Mining in international waters could commence as soon as 2026; even though vital research and work to adopt the required regulations, standards and guidelines to manage deep-sea mining sustainably is far from complete.

As the deep sea remains understudied and poorly understood, there are many gaps in our understanding of its biodiversity and ecosystems. This makes it difficult to assess the potential impacts of deep-sea mining or to put in place adequate safeguards to protect the marine environment, and the three billion people whose livelihoods depend on marine and coastal biodiversity.

Disturbance of the seafloor

The digging and gauging of the ocean floor by machines can alter or destroy deep-sea habitats. This leads to the loss of species, many of which are found nowhere else, and the fragmentation or loss of ecosystem structure and function. It is the most direct impact from deep-sea mining and the damage caused is most likely permanent.

Under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), the Area and its mineral resources are the common heritage of humankind. This means they must be managed on behalf of and in the interests of all humanity including through: the sharing of economic benefits; support for marine scientific research; and the effective protection of the marine environment.

At the IUCN World Conservation Congress in Marseille (September 2021), IUCN Members adopted Resolution 122 to protect deep-ocean ecosystems and biodiversity through a moratorium on deep-sea mining unless and until a number of conditions are met. These include:

Reliance on metals from mining can be reduced by redesigning, reusing and recycling. In addition, research should focus on creating more sustainable alternatives to their use because deep-sea mining could irreparably harm marine ecosystems, and limit the many benefits the deep sea provides to humanity.

The sea below 200 meters depth accounts for 95% of the volume of the ocean, making it the largest habitat for life on Earth. Though it is perpetually cold, generally dark, and subject to extreme pressures, the deep sea contains a wealth of unique and unusual species, habitats and ecosystems. It also contains a wealth of mineral resources, some of them in unique or highly enriched concentrations. Attempts to recover these resources during the 1970s and 1980s were impaired by legal uncertainties and technical constraints, along with metal prices that did not justify the enormous investments required. Today, the legal uncertainties have been largely resolved, marine mining and environmental monitoring technology has advanced rapidly. This report aims to stimulate interest in the deep ocean and the discussions surrounding its potential development, with a specific focus on deep-sea mining of hard metal-bearing minerals.

The U.N. body charged with regulating deep-ocean mining will soon consider whether to permit the first project to move forward. But ecologist Lisa Levin, who has long studied the deep sea, worries that in the rush for key minerals, a pristine and important ecosystem will be lost.

Of particular concern to Levin now is the prospect of deep-sea mining. The tiny island nation of Nauru has notified the International Seabed Authority on behalf of its Canadian partner, the Metals Company, of its intent to seek a permit to mine in the Clarion-Clipperton Zone, a 1.7- million-square-mile region of the Pacific where polymetatallic nodules are scattered that have high concentrations of cobalt and other valuable minerals.

Mining companies argue that land-based sources for these metals are running out and that they are critically needed for green technologies like producing batteries for electric vehicles and manufacturing solar panels and wind turbines. They also claim that mining in the deep sea will be less environmentally damaging than land-based mining.

e360: Some mining companies say that metals from the ocean floor are needed for the rapid expansion of green technologies. They also claim that deep-sea mining is less destructive than land mining. Is there a green argument for this?

Levin: By mining the nodules, sediment plumes will be released that may impact large areas of the ocean. These particles in what is normally quite clear water can clog the feeding apparatus [of deepwater organisms]; it can be mistaken for food; it can release contaminants, radioactive and metal contaminants, as well as carbon. A lot of animals use bioluminescence to communicate, find mates, locate prey. These particles could change light transmission in the water and interfere with their ability to function.

e360: A lot of carbon gets sequestered at the bottom of the sea. A recent study showed that bottom trawling [for fishing] releases as much carbon dioxide annually as global aviation. Is deep-sea mining likely to have a similar effect?

After an evaluation of the MiningImpact 2 project in the fall of 2022, funders, supported by experts, policy makers explored the potential of a succcesor activity. This was complemented by a stakeholder consultation workshop in March 2023 at which representatives from NGOs and industry were consulted to provide their perspective on a third phase of the Joint Action. Following up, in April 2023 the JPI Oceans Management Board approved the successor phase of the Joint Action on the ecological aspects of deep-sea mining under the condition of support from four JPI Oceans member countries.

Since 2015 the JPI Oceans Joint Action has successfully demonstrated how integrated scientific research can be organized in two European trans-disciplinary research projects (MiningImpact I & II) and how marine research infrastructure can be utilized jointly and efficiently to tackle deep-sea research questions and close scientific knowledge gaps. With both MiningImpact projects having delivered valuable input into the ongoing development of an international Mining Code at the International Seabed Authority (ISA), JPI Oceans has made a significant contribution to generate the necessary evidence base underpinning the development of the international governance framework for the potential exploitation of deep seabed resources. By funding top-notch interdisciplinary science, JPI Oceans and its member countries have given the European science community a common approach to these global long-term negotiations, ensuring that global policies are based on the best available scientific knowledge.

With deep-sea mining inevitably causing disturbances to abyssal ecosystems, because mineral deposits in focus cover extended areas of the inhabited seafloor that will be disturbed directly and indirectly by mining operations, it is important that international legislation is based on the best available knowledge. JPI Oceans aimed to contribute to the development of the Mining Code by filling knowledge gaps in the field.

Deep sea mining is the extraction of minerals from the ocean floor found at depths of 200 metres (660 ft)[1][2] to 6,500 metres (21,300 ft).[3][4][5] As of 2021, the majority of marine mining efforts were limited to shallow coastal waters, where sand, tin and diamonds are more readily accessible.[6] It is a growing subfield of experimental seabed mining. Three types of deep sea mining have generated interest: polymetallic nodule mining, polymetallic sulfide mining, and cobalt-rich ferromanganese crusts.[7] The majority of proposed deep sea mining sites are near polymetallic nodules or active and extinct hydrothermal vents at 1,400 to 3,700 metres (4,600 to 12,100 ft) depth.[8] The vents create globular or "massive" sulfide deposits that contain valuable metals such as silver, gold, copper, manganese, cobalt, and zinc.[9][10] The deposits are mined using hydraulic pumps or bucket systems that carry ore to the surface for processing. ff782bc1db

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