Dear sir, madam,

I installed 1Password a few days ago. Today, when I tried to login on my public transport account, in order to save the login details in 1Password, the login screen didn't appear. I tried many times, restarted the computer, but without success. This was in IE 11. When I use Microsoft Edge (on the same computer), there is no problem at all and everything is working fine.

The address of the login screen is:

I like to add this login to my vault. Can you help me?

Hallo MikeT,

I cannot reach the login page at all. The screen stays blank.

This is what I do:

1. I go to the site

2. Then I click on the blue button with "Mijn OV-chipkaart" (='My public transport card') to go to the login page.

3. The screen goes blank.

When I use Microsoft Edge and repeat the same procedure, there is no problem and I can login normally.

This means I cannot do what you advise me to do: open the site manually, because I never get to the username field.

Also when I try to go directly to the login page by typing "" (to skip the button), I get a blank screen.

I hope there is a solution.

Thank you for now.



For MikeT:

I did as you asked. Disabled all add-ons. There was no Tracking Protection active. I restarted IE and tried tot login. However, when I clicked the button "Mijn OV-chipkaart", I got the same as when the add-ons were still enabled: a blank screen.

The login page for seems to have disappeared from my IE-universe.

(But lucky me, I can still access it with Microsoft Edges, as long as I remember my password)

Hello MikeT

I added "" to Compatibility View, but to no avail. I still could not reach the login page, and the home page gave a warning: "You use an older version of Internet Explorer. Our website supports IE9 or higher", and it looked horrible, so I removed it again from Compatibility View.

It is very strange that, even when I disable 1Password (and all other add-ons), the login page still refuses to load, while there was no such problem before the installation of 1Password. So the problem started with the installation of 1Password. I might remove 1Password completely from my computer and see what happens then, but I resent the idea, because I like the program in principle and I would like to use it.

Well, we've fixed the bug with the IE tab crashing as soon as you ask 1Password to save or fill on and it will be available in the next beta update. You could wait for the update and try again. I'll follow up here as soon as the beta is made available for the public.

Hello MikeT,

After it dawned on me that 1Password was probably not the cause of the impossibility to log in on "Mijn OV-chipkaart", I send a mail for help to This morning I received an answer, pointing out that the ov-chipkaart website was supported by:

and thus not by IE11 (which is ridiculous in my eyes).

So, after all, I bothered you for nothing. Nevertheless, you found a bug and fixed it. I installed the Beta-version of 1Password, and use it for all my logins, except ov-chipkaart. For that I use Microsoft Edge and I have to remember my password.

Thank you for the trouble. It was nice working with you.

Ben de Rooij

New students can apply for and purchase a personal OV-chipkaart (public transport card) online. When your application has been processed by DUO, koppel (link) the student travel product to your personal OV-chipkaart online. Then the student travel product must be physically uploaded to your OV-chipkaart at a service point. There is a list of service points in your area on the website.

The OV-chipkaart is a card that you must use for all public transport, anywhere in the Netherlands. You can load money on the card and pay for your rides in trams, buses, metros and trains.

Use of the OV-chipkaart is obligatory in all public transport. In Amsterdam you can buy a single-use ov-chipcard in trams and buses (from the driver or the tram conductor).

In trains, the use of the OV-chipkaart is also obligatory. It is possible to buy a single-use ov-chipkaart from a counter or a ticket machine (not on the train itself, you must have a valid ticket before you enter the train). The single-use ov-chipkaart is practically like an old-fashioned train ticket, but it has a small chip inside on which it is written what you bought. This is not written in characters any more on the ticket itself, unfortunately.

The single-use train ov-chipkaart comes with a surcharge of 1 Euro for each ticket, and discounts do not apply.

If you do not wish to buy single-use chipcards all the time, you can buy an OV-chipcard at a counter (for example, at the OV-service shop at Amsterdam Central Station), and load money onto the card.

You need only one OV-chipcard per person- the money you load onto it can be used in all different kinds of public transport all over the country.

An OV-chipkaart works by swiping it before a check-in machine. The machine will beep to indicate your card was recognized, and you are checked in. 

If you leave the vehicle, you swipe the card again to check out. Then the system calculates what your ride should cost and this is taken from the money on your card.

Single-use chipcards can be thrown away after checking out.

- If you take a bus or tram ride, you always check in at entering, and check out before leaving.

Example: if you take tram 10 to Leidseplein in Amsterdam, then tram 1 to Central Station, you check out from tram 10 and check in in tram 1 again (and check out again at Central Station). The system will automatically recognize you're making a transfer.

- However, if you take a train ride, and change to another train you only check out if you have completed the last part of your train ride. If you leave the train station, you must always check out.

The check-out/in machines of buses and trams are located inside the buses and trams. The machines on the train stations are located in the halls (Amsterdam Centraal Station). On smaller stations you may find them on the train platform. The machines are never inside a train.

The same goes for metros: the check-in/out poles are on the platform, never inside the metro carriage.

User convenience is central. We provide services to consumers that relate directly to the convenience of using an OV-chipkaart, on behalf of the public transport companies. This includes Customer Services that can be contacted easily by phone and the website.

BancTec verwerkt de papieren aanvraagformulieren voor een ov-chipkaart en de serviceformulieren voor aanvullende diensten, zoals automatisch opladen of het doorgeven van een adreswijziging. De twee partijen sloten de overeenkomst na een langdurige testperiode. Eerst werden er twee verschillende opzetten bekeken. Van januari 2008 tot november 2008 is het specifiek hiervoor ontworpen systeem getest. Daarna werd vanaf december 2008 tot september 2009 de operationele kant getest.

De OV-chipkaart is de vervanger van de strippenkaart, het treinkaartje en de papieren abonnementen. De reiziger kan een anonieme ov-chipkaart kopen of een persoonlijke kaart. BancTec verwerkt de aanvragen voor de persoonlijke ov-chipkaart. Door geld te zetten op deze kaart, kan de reiziger gebruik maken van het openbaar vervoer.

Het College Bescherming Persoonsgevens vindt dat het Amsterdamse GVB, dat samen met Rotterdam een ov-chipkaartpilot houdt, onnodig veel reisinformatie opslaat. Als dit niet snel verandert wil het CBP boetes gaan uitdelen.

Het uitgangspunt bij de ov-chipkaart moet volgens het CBP zijn dat er, net zoals bij de huidige strippenkaart, van het openbaar vervoer gebruikgemaakt kan worden zonder dat het reisgedrag wordt vastgelegd. Worden de gewenste veranderingen niet tijdig doorgevoerd, dan dreigt het college met boetes te komen. "En dan gaat het echt om boetes die uiteindelijk het faillissement van een onderneming tot gevolg kunnen hebben", dreigt CBP-voorzitter Jacob Kohnstamm in het Parool. Het GVB heeft laten weten maatregelen te nemen om binnen de grenzen van de wetgeving te blijven. ff782bc1db

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