Part 5: The spread of antibiotic-resistant bacteria

Scroll through the comic and answer all the questions below before clicking "Next Page"

Question 20

Does the information on the chart support Ajay's claim that outbreaks of Salmonella could be prevented by banning the sale of animal products from farms that use antibiotics? Support your answer with information from the chart.

Different ways antibiotic-resistant bacteria can spread

Question 21

Using your Digital Lab Notebook, draw arrows on the How Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria Spread picture to represent each of the six statements (A-F). Label the arrow with the letter of the statement that it represents.

Note: As an example, the first statement has been shown on the picture using a red arrow and red "A".

An interactive version of the How Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria Spread picture can be found in Part 5 of your Digital Lab Notebook.

Question 22

Look at the arrows you drew on the How Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria Spread picture. These arrows represent processes/routes that spread antibiotic-resistant bacteria. Suggest one way to block a process/route and prevent the spread of antibiotic-resistant bacteria to each of the following:

  • Humans

  • Animals (pets or wildlife)

  • The environment (soil, water, plants, or air)