The real issue with the import is outlook express must be installed and functional on the computer that you try to do the import from. You appear to be posting from a windows 10 device, so I must raise the issue I think. The same goes for outlook.


I apologize for this misunderstanding. You are right, eM Client cannot import whole accounts from Outlook express. I am sorry but we do not plan to implement this feature - you will have to migrate your data manually using export -> import.

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tag_hash_104 🔥 🔥

> particular environment [Windows 7].Note to Richard: Do NOT post using HTML in newsgroups. Configure OE to post

to newsgroups using plain-text, do NOT use quoted-printable format, and wrap

lines at 76 characters, or less.The following is information on how Outlook before version 2003 used to

store passwords in the registry. Outlook Express is a dead product (died in

2002 with one update in SP-2 for Windows XP and the dev team disbanded in

2006) so it is locked into also using the old PStore scheme for saving

passwords in the registry. Because OE is unsupported, there will be no

fixes to handle the changed mechanism for storing passwords under Vista/7.(The mention of OLAutoPW won't work for OE. It is an add-on for Outlook.)

---(canned reply about passwords under Vista/7)---Outlook versions before 2003 will NOT remember passwords when ran under

Windows Vista/7. Outlook pre-2003 was coded to use pstore (protected

storage system) in the registry to cache the login credentials for the

e-mail accounts defined in Outlook; see

 -us/library/bb432403.aspx. pstore is no longer

available under Windows Vista/7. The registry keys are still there but are

read-only so Outlook cannot record your login credentials into those

registry keys but cannot update them. Vista/7 dropped pstore and went to

DPAPI. For information on DPAPI, read

 -us/library/ms995355.aspx. DPAPI has been

around since 2001 starting in Windows 2000. The result is that you will

need to supply your login credentials for each e-mail account that you have

defined in Outlook for the first mail poll performed by Outlook. After the

first mail poll, the login credentials are reused so you don't need to

supply them again. However, if you exit and reload Outlook then you need to

supply the login credentials for only the first mail poll. Outlook post-2002 is coded to use either pstore or the newer DPAPI which

means they will run under Vista/7 and pre-Vista/7 versions of Windows.

Mainstream support for Outlook versions before 2003 has ended. There will

be no further feature changes, bug fixes, or enhancements to it. That means

it will remain incompatible for use under Windows Vista/7. Your

Microsoft-based solutions are: suffer with the problem when using Outlook

pre-2003 on Windows Vista/7, upgrade to an Outlook version after 2002, or

use a different e-mail program that runs properly on Windows Vista/7.Read:


 -us/library/bb756884.aspxThe PStore keys in the registry are read-only in Windows Vista/7. Removing

the read-only attribute won't fix the problem. The PStore interface used by

Outlook pre-2003 is not available in Windows Vista/7. You cannot manually

edit the registry to retrieve or enter the passwords. PStore isn't just a

location in the registry with plain text data. It is a method of encrypting

the passwords using TripleDES that are cached in the registry in a binary

construct. Once a user is logged into Windows, the CryptoAPI can be used to

decrypt that Windows account's cached passwords from the PStore in the

registry. While Windows Vista/7 no longer provides support for PStore, it

is possible to continue supporting PStore within a program. Alas, there

will be nothing forthcoming as a hotfix or add-on from Microsoft to support

PStore functionality in Outlook pre-2003 under Windows Vista/7 because those

versions are no longer supported.A possible solution is to use a program (as a macro that runs inside of

Outlook) that manages the encrypted password for you in the protected

registry cache. If you don't want to write the macro or cannot find a free

one already written for you, there is OLAutoPW at

 I've never used it

(because I don't use Windows Vista/7). Cost is 10 euro (~$16). It may also

be possible to use AutoIt, AutoHotkeys, or other keyboard macro programs

that can trigger on specific dialog windows to answer the password prompt

for you but then you need to leave them running all the time and write up

the macro that they run along with identifying the trigger(s) on when and in

which window to run their macro.

Outlook express has worked well for years now with no problems, why should someone like microsoft dictate to all the older users that they have to change. It makes no sence. Outlook was a program that was easy to use. I used it in busness as well as for home and even sending large files all with no problems. Just as an insight, I grew up with DOS and windows 3.1 which in my view was the best version of the lot. Now with a computer running 8.1 I find it slow, unintuitive and incredibly frustrating! It alsmost makes me think I should take the computer back to the supplier and get a raincoat, sorry mac.



Is this a new thing for shopify? I set up my email to work with outlook on my other computer not too long ago. Now I have a new computer and trying to do it again and can't figure it out. Why did shopify stop the email hosting service it previously provided?

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