Help keep your sentences concise and error-free with suggestions from Outlook as you write,1 plus get more options for emojis. Make your emails polished and professional with intelligent spelling and grammar checks.

Schedule email sends in advance, undo a sent mail within ten seconds, and get reminded on important follow-ups. Access OneDrive files right from your Outlook inbox and use Word, Excel, and PowerPoint web apps for free.

Outlook Email Desktop App Download

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The new Outlook for Windows, is the next step to bring consistency to the way you use Outlook. Everyone on a device running Windows 10 or higher, from free accounts to commercial super users, will have a beautiful, flexible, and familiar Outlook experience.

The new Outlook for Windows offers the most popular features and configurations from the current desktop version of Outlook for Windows. It also offers a variety of new tools, including easy access to Microsoft 365 apps, pinning and snoozing email for better inbox management, and intelligent features that allow users with a work or school account to use Outlook with Microsoft Loop and Microsoft Teams.

The new Outlook for Windows app combines intelligent features from the Outlook web interface and current Windows Mail and Calendar app in a free experience. The new Outlook for Windows is designed to work seamlessly with your mobile Outlook experience for work and personal use.

Beginning in 2024, new Windows 11 devices will be shipped with the new Outlook for Windows as the default mailbox application free for all to use. The Mail and Calendar applications will continue to be available via download in the Microsoft Store through the end of 2024. On existing devices, users can switch to the new Outlook for Windows from a toggle in the Mail and Calendar applications.

When I use the Asana Outlook connector (i.e. the buttons that appear above Asana emails) it always links to the browser version. I mostly use the desktop version. So how can I make it link to that instead?

Are you using Outlook online or on your desktop? If you are using it online, you will need to install Asana on the desktop version separately. To download the Asana plug-in for desktop, simply go to the Outlook store, search for Asana, and it should install in seconds.

I instead of waiting chose to add the 'Add a reminder' from @Faraz Shaikh directly to my Ribbon, and even renamed it 'Snooze Mail' group, with the name Snooze, with it's own little icon of a clock. There are multiple other icons you can use in it's place. however, once done, this becomes a one click from the menu bar, like mine. You can also just add the add reminder directly to the 'Quick Access Toolbar'.

@DavidThomasson i tried this workaround, and the snoozed emails re-appear at the new time/ date on my phone (and also in web version) but not on desktop version of outlook. do i have a setting wrong somewhere?

@DavidThomasson on further investigation i can see that the snoozed email does, in fact, re-appear in the destop version, however it does not show up at the top of my inbox, but goes right back to where it was originally. therefore if the email was originally received 2 weeks ago, thats where it goes back to after the snooze. on the web/ phone version however the snoozed email goes right to the top of my inbox. can you confirm if the snoozed email (desktop version) goesback to its original time/ date, or does it appear at the top of your inbox?

I wholeheartedly agree that the workaround we give is not an answer. I also agree that all platforms of Outlook (Mac/Linux/Android/IOS) functions and operations should match. I am aggravated by the fact that online Outlook doesn't allow you to add other online accounts, nor reflect what the PC or Phone app accounts have listed. It's like MS is purposely creating multiple email software packages, different from each other, and slapping a generic name of Outlook on it.

However, I am getting away from the point of this response. We gave information to best help a tough situation. We don't deserve to be spoken to like it's our personal fault that this problem exists, when we were simply trying to help people create a 'fix' that we both know does work, even if it's not the solution we want from Redmond. Thank you very much for considering other people's help as such instead of the negative criticism. Have a great day!

One workaround I found is to forward the e-mail to yourself and use the Delay Delivery option to "Snooze" the email until whenever you want to see it again at the top of your inbox. Then you can move the original email into a folder and your inbox is clean.

@Alan2314 Delighted to report that the "New Outlook" in windows 10 also introduces the "Snooze Email" feature ! 

Now, if I can just figure out how to restore the Right side, docked view of my Tasks in the main Outlook window :thinking_face:

Due to the changes that Microsoft introduced as part of the new Outlook for Windows, HubSpot will no longer develop new functionality for the Outlook desktop add-in. Although the desktop add-in will continue to be supported, it's recommended that you transition to use the web add-in for Outlook, as only web add-ins are supported in the new Outlook. The web add-in is available across PC, Mac, and Office online.

If you're using specific inbox provider types that Microsoft doesn't yet support in the new Outlook, such as IMAP or POP3, your IT admin can manually disable the new Outlook toggle by following the resources below from Microsoft's Documentation:

The HubSpot Sales Outlook desktop add-in does not require a connected inbox in order to be used in the inbox, though some HubSpot sales features require a connected inbox. Log and track preferences are automatically applied and the contact profiles pane is persistent, meaning it will always be open in the inbox.

View-only Seats users do not have access to email, chat, or phone support. If you have multiple HubSpot products, your support options are based on your highest subscription. Learn more about getting help with HubSpot.

If I drag an email from Outlook into Things on my mac it gives me a file:///... link to the email .eml file. Is there any way to convert that to a link that will open with outlook? Currently a doubclick opens it in the Mail app and I don't want to change this default behaviour.

This is great when I need to create a task "Reply to Bob's questions about the Foo product" - when I click the link on the OmniFocus task, it opens the message I need to reply to. So much easier than trying to find it again!

Note that these links will only work on the same Mac where you created them - different Outlook instances will assign different message IDs, even if they're connected to the same account. You can move the message between folders etc though, and they'll still open fine.

Worth noting that id is an internal Outlook reference and that a message's id can change, eg if you re-index a mailbox. Not usually a problem, but shouldn't be relied on if your trying to do some kind of long-term reference.

I remember that Outlook had a "new interface" at some point - when I turned it on, there was a whole lot of functionality missing. I quickly turned it off again. I couldn't find any reference to that within the Outlook app last night though. So yeah, I'm probably on the latest version of the "old interface".

Agree - the Office 365 plugin really needs fixing. HS tell me it's something about tracking and Internet Explorer running in the background. TBH the old plugin works PERFECTLY for me... in fact, it's actually more functional as it has right-click context menus that allow you to drop meeting links and snippets into the body of an email (which the new add-in doesn't).

I can't believe we are just about to begin October 2020 and no one in HubSpot has managed to fix the terrible Office365 plugin - it's a disgrace for a system that's supposed to record all of your customer interactions, and this is coming from a HubSpot 'evangelist'...

My sales team have all begun uninstalling the plugin and whilst the old version works, it's old and gets removed by HubSpot updating itself so requires reinstallation. Plus, surely we should have a slicker, more efficient version for O365?

Same issue here. We liked the sophistication available in marketing etc but the constant Outlook crash is a deal breaker. What surprises me most is the company appears to be almost in denial about the issue, When you talk to the reps they make out they haven't heard of it being an issue before. Also they suggest that GMail is the only way to go - sorry but no.

The loading of the plugin is waaaay to slow. 

Personally, I don't see why it has to load all the junk in the side panel. I don't need that. I just want it to capture the email. I've already got the client name in the system, so it should be just a flag to capture it. Opening that side bar is what takes time.

I don't see any option to disable the sidebar.

I did not have issues with it in the past year (apart from a few times it got deactivated by Outlook) but then this week (maybe since last week) it started acting up. 

Outlook freezes right after hitting "Reply", with "not responding" message displaying for about a minute and a half in the top left corner of the window.

Update: no, it actually crashes Outlook occasionally (I gave up after 4 minutes waiting).

Here's my latest support email:

"...after further research and checking internally, it looks like this may be a clash between your setup and the way that the Outlook 365 add-in sets up tracking in the background. As the tracking constantly scans to find the invisible tracking pixel in the email, even though most configurations will not see an issue, it can definitely cause issues like we are seeing here.

In this instance, we do think it may be better to switch from the Outlook 365 add-in and go to the Outlook desktop add-in as this will track the email in a different way and wont show issues in the compose as we are seeing here. 152ee80cbc

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