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Engineers at MIT and the Technical University of Munich think so. They have designed a new kind of glucose fuel cell that converts glucose directly into electricity. The device is smaller than other proposed glucose fuel cells, measuring just 400 nanometers thick, or about 1/100 the diameter of a human hair. The sugary power source generates about 43 microwatts per square centimeter of electricity, achieving the highest power density of any glucose fuel cell to date under ambient conditions.

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The new device is also resilient, able to withstand temperatures up to 600 degrees Celsius. If incorporated into a medical implant, the fuel cell could remain stable through the high-temperature sterilization process required for all implantable devices.

The researchers designed a glucose fuel cell with an electrolyte made from ceria, a ceramic material that possesses high ion conductivity, is mechanically robust, and as such, is widely used as an electrolyte in hydrogen fuel cells. It has also been shown to be biocompatible.

The team sandwiched the electrolyte with an anode and cathode made of platinum, a stable material that readily reacts with glucose. They fabricated 150 individual glucose fuel cells on a chip, each about 400 nanometers thin, and about 300 micrometers wide (about the width of 30 human hairs). They patterned the cells onto silicon wafers, showing that the devices can be paired with a common semiconductor material. They then measured the current produced by each cell as they flowed a solution of glucose over each wafer in a custom-fabricated test station.

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You can use Microchip Studio with the debuggers, programmers and development kits that support AVR and SAM devices. Extend your development environment with Microchip Gallery, an online app store for Microchip Studio plug-ins developed by Microchip as well as third-party tool and embedded software vendors.

The MPLAB cloud tools ecosystem is a complete online solution for users of all skill levels to discover, configure, develop and debug embedded applications based on PIC and AVR microcontrollers (MCUs).

MPLAB Analysis Tool Suite is a collection of analysis tools integrated into MPLAB X IDE. It supports all of our MCU, MPU and CEC devices and offers a code coverage feature and a Motor Industry Software Reliability Association (MISRA) check in the IDE.

Get free training on our products 24 hours a day, every day. We offer on-demand courses and live sessions on general embedded control topics as well as Microchip, Atmel and Microsemi products. Learn how to improve your business by using our products to their full advantage.

The Data Visualizer plug-in captures and displays run-time power data from your application when used with the Power Debugger or a supported Xplained PRO board. You can profile the power usage of your application as part of a standard debug session. You can also correlate power spikes with the code that caused them by sampling the program counter during power measurements.

Microchip Studio features one-click importing of projects created in the Arduino development environment. Your sketch, including any libraries it references, will be imported into Studio as a C++ project. Once the sketch is imported, you can leverage the full capabilities of Studio to fine tune and debug your design. Microchip Studio fully supports the powerful embedded debugger on the Arduino Zero board. Shield adapters that expose debug connectors are available for other Arduino boards, or you can switch to one of the many available Xplained Mini or Xplained PRO boards to fully leverage our ecosystem of hardware tools. Regardless of which option you choose, you will surely make something amazing.

Microchip Studio is free of charge and is integrated with Advanced Software Framework (ASF), which is a large library of free source code with 1,600 project examples. ASF strengthens Studio by providing access to ready-to-use code in the same environment to minimize much of the low-level design required for projects. Standard IDEs are useful for creating new software for a microcontroller (MCU) project. Microchip Studio IDP also:

Our Getting Started with Microchip Studio online training will guide you through all the major features of the IDE. This training is divided into sections, each of which includes an overview video and accompanying hands-on activities.


This Getting Started training for Atmel Studio 7 will guide you through all the major features of the IDE. It is designed as a video series with accompanying hands-on. Each section starts with a video, which covers that section.

This component prints the voltage as seen by the chip pin. On the ESP8266, this is always 0.0V to 1.0VSome development boards like the Wemos D1 mini include external voltage divider circuitry to scale downa 3.3V input signal to the chip-internal 1.0V. If your board has this circuitry, add a multiply filter toget correct values:

To simplify this, we provide the setting attenuation: auto for an automatic/seamless transition among scales. Our implementation combines all available ranges to allow the best resolution without having to compromise on a specific attenuation.

On Raspberry Pi Pico W the ADC GPIO29 pin for VSYS is shared with WiFi chip, so attempting to use it explicitly will likely hang the WiFi connection.It is recommended to use VCC as ADC pin in that case.

The RP2040 has an internal temperature sensor that can be used to measure the core temperature. This sensor is not available on the GPIO pins, but is available on the internal ADC.The below code is how you can access the temperature and expose as a sensor. The filter values are taken from the RP2040 datasheet to calculate Voltage to Celcius.

You can only use as many ADC sensors as your device can support. The ESP8266 only has one ADC and can only handle one sensor at a time. For example, on the ESP8266, you can measure the value of an analog pin (A0 on ESP8266) or VCC (see above) but NOT both simultaneously. Using both at the same time will result in incorrect sensor values.


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CUPERTINO, KALIFORNIEN Apple hat heute den M1 Ultra vorgestellt, den nchsten groen Schritt bei Apple Chips und dem Mac. Ausgestattet mit UltraFusion, Apples innovativer Architektur, die die Dies von zwei M1 Max Chips miteinander verbindet, um ein System auf einem Chip (SoC) mit noch nie dagewesener Rechenleistung und Fhigkeiten zu schaffen, ermglicht der M1 Ultra dem neuen Mac Studio eine atemberaubende Rechenleistung bei gleichzeitig branchenfhrender Leistung pro Watt. Das neue SoC besteht aus 114 Milliarden Transistoren, den meisten, die jemals in einem Chip in einem Personal Computer verbaut worden sind. Der M1 Ultra kann mit bis zu 128 GB gemeinsamen Arbeitsspeicher mit hoher Bandbreite und geringer Latenz konfiguriert werden, auf den die 20-Core CPU, die 64-Core GPU und die 32-Core Neural Engine zugreifen knnen. Dies bietet Entwickler:innen, die Code kompilieren, Knstler:innen, die in groen 3D Umgebungen arbeiten, die so gro sind, dass sie bisher nicht gerendert werden konnten, und Videoprofis, die Videos bis zu 5,6-mal schneller in ProRes umwandeln knnen als mit einem 28-Core Mac Pro mit Afterburner, eine unfassbare Leistung. 1

Der M1 Ultra verfgt ber eine auerordentlich leistungsstarke 20-Core CPU mit 16 Kernen fr hohe Leistung und vier Kernen fr hohe Effizienz. Er liefert eine 90 Prozent hhere multithreaded Leistung als der schnellste verfgbare 16-Core Chip eines Desktop-PCs mit demselben Leistungsumfang. Darber hinaus erreicht der M1 Ultra die Spitzenleistung des PC-Chips mit 100 Watt weniger.2 Diese erstaunliche Effizienz bedeutet, dass weniger Energie verbraucht wird und die Lfter leise laufen, selbst wenn Anwendungen wie Logic Pro anspruchsvolle Workflows durchlaufen, wie beispielsweise die Verarbeitung groer Mengen virtueller Instrumente, Audio-Plug-ins und Effekte.

Auch die Architektur des gemeinsamen Arbeitsspeichers von Apple ist mit dem M1 Ultra erweitert worden. Die Speicherbandbreite wurde auf 800 GB/s erhht, mehr als das 10-fache des neuesten Chips eines Desktops, und der M1 Ultra kann mit bis zu 128 GB gemeinsamen Arbeitsspeicher konfiguriert werden. Mit maximal 48 GB bei den leistungsstrksten PC-Grafikkarten gibt es nichts Vergleichbares bei der Gre des Grafiksspeichers, das dem M1 Ultra das Wasser reichen kann. Die Menge an Speicher ist fr GPU-intensive Workflows wie die Arbeit mit extremer 3D Geometrie oder dem Rendern riesiger Szenen von entscheidender Bedeutung. 152ee80cbc

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