Background: When you open attachments on email directly from Outlook, a copy is written to a temporary folder on your hard drive so your the virus scanner can check it before it is opened. The folder Outlook writes this temp file to is under the Temporary Internet Files folder where IE writes pages to when you surf the internet. This offers more security as only your user account and the computer administrator account can view the files under this folder. The only way to avoid "losing" attachments in this well hidden folder is to save them to your hard drive, before opening. Few people do this (myself included).

These files are supposed to be deleted when you close the opened attachment, however this only happens if the email message the attachment arrived on remains open - this is either an opened message in a new window or in the reading pane. When the message is closed (or you wait to preview another message) after the attachment is closed, the temporary file is deleted from the SecureTemp folder. If you close the open message or display another Outlook item in the reading pane but leave the attachment open, the temp file is not deleted when you close the attachment.

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When this folder gets "full" you may have problems opening email attachments or embedded images won't display. If you open image attachments in Windows Photo or Image viewer and click next, you may see old images you thought you deleted. Delete the files in the folder to fix. See clean the SecureTempFolder automatically for VBA code to clear the folder, either every time you close Outlook or only when you want to make sure the folder is empty.

The user-hive registry keys do not work with Outlook 2016 (Outlook overrides it with the default location), however adding it to the Policies path will work. However, because Outlook 2016 does a better job of cleaning up the SecureTemp folder, attachments you open may be deleted from the folder except when messages are closed while their attachments are open.

To jump to this folder, type shell:cache in the address bar of File Explorer. If you have the option set to Show hidden files and folders, you'll see the Content.Outlook folder, if not, type Content.Outlook at the end of the path.

The location of the Securetemp is stored in the registry and you can change the path to point to a new location (which is easier to access and clear), but be sure the new folder exists before changing it in the registry. The OutlookSecureTempFolder string value is stored in the following key for your version of Outlook. If the path in the path in the registry is not valid, you will have red x's for images.

So i have an issue where my emails, if I have opened the attachment prior to sending it, arrive to recipient WITHOUT the attachment. However, this only happens if I close the attachment before clicking send. If i have it opened, and then send, the recipient will get the attachment. Any ideas?

I am trying to iterate through the contents of a subfolder, and if the message contains an .xlsx attachment, download the attachment to a local directory. I have confirmed all other parts of this program work until that line, which throws an exception each time.

First, make sure that you deal with an attached file, not a link to the actual file. The Attachment.Type property returns an OlAttachmentType constant indicating the type of the specified object. You are interested in the olByValue value when the attachment is a copy of the original file and can be accessed even if the original file is removed.

Second, you need to make sure that the file path (especially the FileName property) doesn't contain forbidden symbols, see What characters are forbidden in Windows and Linux directory names? for more information.

That is it. Try to open the folder manually first, according to the error message the path doesn't exist. Before calling the SaveAsFile method you need to created the target folder or make sure it exists before.

By default, when you use the Save As command to save e-mail messages and attachments in Outlook, these items are saved in your My Documents folder. The following is the path where e-mail messages and attachments are saved in Outlook 2003 by default:

In the Edit String dialog box, type the path, including the drive letter, to the folder that you want to use for your Outlook saved items in the Value data box, and then select OK.

I am trying to send an email with many attachments but attachment paths are dynamically change accoridng to customer name. In loop I am adding in collection by one by then sends all attachments at once. It was working fine.But i just need to changed folder structure because of customer needs. In this circumstances When I run in debug mode, I can see all paths properly in variable panel and even i checked by one by everything looks good. On activity send outlook mail gives me an error File Path Does not exist

UiPath.Core.Activities.PathExists Checks if the specified path exists. The path can represent a file path or a directory path. Properties Input Path - The full path to be checked.PathType - Checks if the specified path exists. The path can be to...

Where does Microsoft create the Outlook Temporary folder (better known as the Outlook OLK folder)? Or, where does Microsoft store that pesky OLK folder and temporary data such as attachments?

Thanks for your help. I found this months before and I opened an attachment yesterday but saved it without specifying a file location. I looked for the file that I changed, did a file search, reopened the attachment, but all my changes were gone. I found your website and found this hidden location and found my modified file. Thanks for your help.

In the registry, go to the HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Office\(version#)\Outlook\Security entry. Double click on OutlookSecureTempFolder entry. Change this to the path you want the files to Save As to as default.

Hi @ccbd99917b2dab746f63545791f09044:disqus one thing you can do is open up another attachment from the same webmail account and click Save As. This should show you the default path for where the files are being saved. From there just open Windows Explorer and goto that path and I bet you will find all your files.

Been struggling with this issue for the past four months, on my work laptop. With limited edit permissions and access to hidden folders, it was becoming a nightmare to locate these files, what with my repeated forgetfulness to save files on to a folder. Landed up on your blog, went through the registry process, manually typed in the folder path since my access limitation prevented viewing the Cache folder, reached the goldmine to find months of saved work.

Started getting this error at random after April Microsoft office updates.

current build: 14931-20964

some users are unable to attach documents in the Outlook desktop version and are receiving an error message "Cannot find this file. Verify the path and file name are correct"

From new email > message > attach file > from PC > pick a file > get above error.

It's very random. Have tried safe mode and disabling all add-ins

a work around is to drag the file into message and it works every time.

I am trying to save an excel file from an outlook attachment and then have the robot open that file to make changes to it. I have managed to get as far as saving the attachment in the folder I want but cannot seem to find a way to open the file from there.

oh ok, but you want to move all attachments or you are sure that it always will have one and only one attachment? If it is one, use currentList(0) if it can be more then use for each using the currentList


Save only the required attachments by using the filter expression in save attachment activity- there are forum posts around how to use it. Once saved just iterate through files in the directory you saved at to rename the files. Once renamed you can do a start process to open the files.

personally I use explorer / cut paste the path needed for attachments - so its generally not an issue for myself - however others seem to think that process is a waste and they want their old way back - so here I am looking for which update caused this issue from yesterday to today!

reading through a bit more information and finding it could easily be a windows explorer update as well... vs just an office update... being the box opened to goto a location is using file explorer vs word/outlook/excel - however word does remember the last location when opening files as expected without issue in the same instance.

possibly when a new message is opened the behavior is no longer keepign winword.exe open in outlook but closing it each time... thus resetting back to the default location of mydocs - which is no good.

Interesting enough - Most things I've read are about saving attachments and outlook not remember the last saved location and instead each right click and save goes to the same my docs location vs last used location - My / others all work normally.

Verified only an issue with attach via paperclip.. - using other 3rd parth attachment process like sharefile / liquid files (securefile) it remembers without issue where the last file was grabbed from - only forgets when using insert...

I've been facing a problem when trying to open attached files on Outlook 365 on Windows 7. It doesn't happen on Windows 10. I guess Windows 7 has some trouble handling the long path + the long filename.

The problem is: Outlook 365 won't allow me to set this by changing the path on Registry. Every time I change the value in Registry, it will be overwritten back to the default value once I launch Outlook 365 again.

I am running 2022.3.1 Designer Desktop with version 1.1.0 of the Outlook 365 Input Tool. Does the tool support downloading attachments from emails to a UNC network path? I am able to save to my desktop mapped drive path (i.e., "O:\Alteryx\Email_Attachements\"). 2351a5e196

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