The website and the associated Telegram channel "@OutlineVpnOfficial" are not affiliated with the Outline team, and we cannot assist users experiencing issues with access keys from these services.

The outline property may be specified using one, two, or three of the values listed below. The order of the values does not matter. As with all shorthand properties, any omitted sub-values will be set to their initial value.

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Note: The outline will be invisible for many elements if its style is not defined. This is because the style defaults to none. A notable exception is input elements, which are given default styling by browsers.

There are a few properties that affect an outline's appearance. It is possible to change the style, color, and width using the outline property, the distance from the border using the outline-offset property, and corner angles using the border-radius property.

An outline is not required to be rectangular: While dealing with multiline text, some browsers will draw an outline for each line box separately, while others will wrap the whole text with a single outline.

Assigning outline a value of 0 or none will remove the browser's default focus style. If an element can be interacted with it must have a visible focus indicator. Provide obvious focus styling if the default focus style is removed.

Having the board outline as an unfilled shape has many advantages, one of which is pouring planes where you want the edges rebated some small distance from the physical edge - then you just copy the board outline shape, shrink it by a small percentage then place it as a filled shape on the layer of your choice. Zoom zoom.

Note: Outline differs from borders! Unlike border, the outline is drawn outside the element's border, and may overlap other content. Also, the outline is NOT a part of the element's dimensions; the element's total width and heightis not affected by the width of the outline.

I think, if I'm understanding you correctly, you just need choose "Apply to outline" in the settings dialog, next to the Color Scheme dropdown. You can increase the width of the outline but choosing "Format all symbols" from the More dropdown on the Classes tab.

Every outline has its own paragraph style Heading x because it is customary in typography to set levels differently. This is the reason why outline layout is not a standard list (single styled) in LO Writer.

To answer your question, use the navigator panel to promote/demote entire parts of your documentĀ  la M$ Word and tune appearance of your outline through Heading x paragraph styles and Tools>Chapter Numbering for the kind of level numbering.

The TOC is made of all Heading n paragraph text. To give maximum versatility (i.e. indepoendence from text), entries in TOC are styled Contents n where n is outline level. To change appearance, just modify Contents n paragraph styles.

How can I choose symbology for polygon outline from the built-in line symbology gallery in Pro, as it is ArcGIS Desktop. As far as I seen now, if I wanted a composite line symbol for polygon outline, I have to build it by myself from symbol layers.

Thanks for the additional details. Yes, this isn't totally equivalent with ArcMap because the outline of a polygon is a stroke, not a line symbol. It would still be good to submit an idea so that we're able to better gauge the priority of this request. Thank you!

Thanks, Gergely. I should have asked in my first response, do you have an example or two of the polygon outline symbology that you use? Just to give some context to the request. If you could provide a couple of screenshots that would be great.

This is the idea that the Gergely posted to request the functionality: -pro-ideas/having-built-in-polygon-outline-styles-in-arcgis-pro/... It looks like it is Open. I'm not sure how feasible it is given the different different symbology model, but if you haven't yet added your vote to the idea, that would still be good.

I really want to give my enemies a different outline color than my player. Is there really no way to do this? Is it even possible to outline multiple objects at once or will this also cause performance problems?

I'm working on an input field and want to remove the outline but people say it's a bad practice. I don't understand why. After all, different browsers have different outlines, and that gets rid of uniformity.

My thinking is that to increase uniformity, it is better to get rid of the outline, but I suppose some would argue for accessibility. I could still just add a border or box shadow for accessibility, AND this would help the site look uniform across all browsers:

It provides visual feedback for links that have "focus" when navigating a web document using the TAB key (or equivalent). This is especially useful for folks who can't use a mouse or have a visual impairment. If you remove the outline you are making your site inaccessible for these people.

This is desperately needed, and I just can't believe so many years have gone by without implementing it. The distinction between a note and a document is meaningless. A note is a kind of document. Clearly Evernote isn't meant for manuscript preparation, but more complex outlines and pre-defined styles are important to organize thoughts and information meaningfully and usefully.

if you haven't already, check out it is an amazing tool for creating quick structured notes / documents. evernote's editor would do well to grab some of their tricks... feels really clunky not to be able to quickly do styled outline headings...

Easy outlines are structured by paragraph: You list the topic of each paragraph along with a few bullet points about what goes into that paragraph. This allows you to easily rearrange the order of the paragraphs to find the perfect arrangement before you begin writing.

Standard outline format has a distinct indentation. Roman numeral lines are not indented, capital letter lines are indented once, Arabic numeral lines are indented twice, and lower-case letter lines are indented three times.

Once you know what you want to write about, you can start to plan your outline. You can always add new content later if inspiration strikes you, but generally the more content you prepare at the beginning, the smoother the rest of the writing process will go.

Outlines are useful for all forms of writing, from academic papers to creative writing. They help compartmentalize the stages of the writing process: When writing the outline, you can focus exclusively on the structure and big picture; when writing the first draft, you can focus on writing details without being distracted by organizational concerns.

Typically, outlines are broken up into sections and paragraphs, with the relevant points or evidence listed under their respective topics. This makes it easy for writers to rearrange the paragraph order if they decide to change the structure.

I would like to produce a 3D view of a board with a complex outline, but I get multiple errors of the type above. I have moved the end of each line segment to snap to the green node symbol on the end of the adjacent line segment and checked that the coordinates match, but still get the same error.

@stevegee78 I have the same issue. Could you provide some more details if possible? Also, besides the blue outlines, all section links on my webflow sites have wird jumping behaviour at the moment. Really awkward, didnt change anything and it is not a browser issue.

Hello. When we do roofs we usually want to show them as seen from above and rarely cut, so we use the outline option for floor plan display. However when roofs have a home offset of 1660 mm or more they still show as "overhead", that is they get a dashed line. Our floor plan cut plane is set to 1100 so I am not sure where the number 1660 comes from, if anything it should be 1100.

This seems as unintended behaviour? Especially since the option to control the line type and pen for "overhead" lines gets hidden if projection is set to "outlines only". If you want to control how the roof is displayed you have to change to "projected with overhead", then change the overhead lines settings and then switch back to "outlines only". This is very confusing because suddenly some things gets dashed or another pen and there is nowhere in the settings to control it, until you figure out that you need to change some other settings just to see them.

If anyone else finds this and has similar issues: if a roof is set to "outlines only" but the lowest part of the roof is higher than the next story, that is: the entire roof is above the story breakline.. Then it doesn't matter if the floor plan cut plane is set very high: it will still be shown as overhead. This can be fixed by adjusting another setting in the floor plan cut plane: the "show up to". It tells the floor plan to keep working for stories above the current one, and allows the cut plane to be much higher. This had me stumped a bit but I finally worked it out so hopefully it will be helpful to someone else as well. 006ab0faaa

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