Ousmane Sacko



MODAL'X - Modélisation aléatoire de Paris X, Université Paris Nanterre200 avenue de la République 92001 Nanterre CedexE-mail: osacko[at]parisnanterre.frBureau: Bâtiment Allais (G), entresol, E24


I am currently a assistant professor in Statistics at Paris Nanterre University, affiliated with the MODAL'X laboratory. Prior to this position, I spent one year as a postdoctoral researcher with professor Béatrice Laurent at Institut of Mathematics of Toulouse. I successfully defended my PhD thesis in applied mathematics  (mathematical statistic) on November, 15th 2021 at MAP5 Laboratory under the supervision of Fabienne Comte  and Céline Duval. I use Laguerre and Hermite basis to study inverse problems: regression, convolution and estimation of derivatives by projection methods. 

You can find my thesis [here].

My CV (in French) can be downloaded [here].