Continue Your Musical Journey with Quaver!

You can continue all the fun we have in music class at home!

This step-by-step guide will help them login on any device at home, at the library, or anywhere with Internet access. It’s as easy as 1-2-3!

I've given you a YouTube Link to watch AND written instructions. Make sure you also read below since there is additional information not shown in this video.

Quaver works best with Crome and doesn't play well with Safari!

1. LOGIN--You can access Quaver by typing into your internet device:

Click the GREEN button at the top of page: and up will pop the Log In! Your Username and Password is your Lunch Number, email me: if you don't know it!

(If it gives you the option of “with Flash” or “without Flash” CLICK WITH FLASH!!!! You’ll have lots more things you can do!!!)

2. STUDENT DASHBOARD--If you are operating without Flash, the program will automatically take you to the Student Dashboard.

If you are on Quaver Street, you will need to click on the STUDENT tab at the bottom right of the screen to get here.

A+ button - Assignments:Your Assignments from me will be here

Double Arrow Button - Student Interactives: fun activities that you may recognize from music class.

Music Notes - Creatives: compose your own music!

Red/Blue Books - QuaverBooks: read digital books about music

Speak Bubble - beside your name - Messaging: Through the Assignments - you can send me messages, I will be checking and available to answer any questions you might have. If I respond, there will be a number inside the speak bubble

I will also be available through email or @OurMusicRoomScotts

Avatars: You can change and update your avatar as much as you want! Click on the avatar and then “Change My Avatar” to pick out how you want them to look and what you want them to wear. You can get 100 QuaverBucks to spend by clicking on My Account and entering the QuaverCode “Springishere". Also, if you use musicathome - you can get 200 more Quaverbucks to spend!!!

Check out this video that a fellow Quaver teacher created about you Avatar!

3. QUAVER STREET--When logged in to a computer and using Flash, students can visit Quaver Street.

(If you are on the Student Dashboard, you may need to click the link at the bottom of the page that says “Click to Access QuaverMusic With Adobe Flash.)

You can visit many places from Quaver Street!

The STUDENT tab is on the bottom right of this screen to take you to the Student Dashboard and your assignments.

You can use the shortcut of the APPS tab at the bottom of the screen to go to any program.

- You can visit the MUSIC ROOM to play musical arcade games, find music you have created and saved and see your awards pile up!

- You can visit the METRO to take a virtual field trip to explore musical styles around the world, read a book, do some puzzles and play the matching game.

- Go into the SHOP to find activities like Song Brush, QSkits, the Jukebox and you can go “Quick, to the Phone Box!” Can you find the secret bell game?

- Go to the LAB to play ear training games in Ear IQ, learn about sound waves in QSynth and have some fun with Sound FX.

- Go to the STUDIO to compose music with QComposer, QGrooves and QBackbeat or choreograph a dance in QDancer (hint, it’s above the door!).

Enjoy the music! I will miss you and see you soon!

Love, Ms. B