Video Production

Video is everywhere.

Let's dive in!

My first thoughts on the wide world of videos. The possibilities seem endless but the limitations are waiting just around the corner...

Let's see what I can learn about shooting and editing videos!

Theoretical background

  • The choice of a genre is really important before you start filming
  • Genres are seen as structural conventions
  • There are many different genres and sub genres, here is a selection of some of them:
    • Action Movies (Umbrella term). Sub genres are: epic movies, spy movies, superhero movies, disaster movies etc.
    • Fantasy Movies. Sub genres: urban fantasy, dark fantasy, heroic fantasy etc.
    • Historical Movies. Sub genres: biopic, historical drama, biblical movies etc
    • Romance Movies. Sub genres: romantic drama, rom-com, romantic thriller etc.

The process-like nature of genres manifests itself as an interaction between three levels: the level of expectation, the level of the generic corpus, and the level of the "rules" or "norms" that govern both." Neale, 2000

The video production process

Idea - Outline - Story board - Shoot - Edit - Post

Camera angles/shots

Camera angles refer to the position of the camera.


Key Light, Fill Light, Back Light, Background Light


Can be either on-screen or off-screen.

Editing the video

The editing process can be devided into two main sections:

  • Montage: Montage means that units are ordered and assembled to a video. It influences the rhythm and overall style of the film.
  • Cut: In this step two scenes are being connected with each other. There are several options (transitions) of connecting two scenes (hard cut, wipe etc.). In this way also dialogues are put together. The video Reverse Shot from the YouTube Channel Every Frame a Painting was very helpful and interesting ( ).

Final thoughts

1. What purpose could videos have in your studies?

I think it could be really interesting to make use of the 'flipped classroom'. More and more children and students are familiar with videos as an everyday medium. They are also used to tutorials which is kind of the same 'genre' as learning videos (I am thinking of my subject English). I really like the idea of the possibility of learning videos that studets watch at home. They bring their knowledge to class and practice there.

2. Possibilities and challenges of videos for teachers.

I have explained the possibilies already in the first question. My main concern regarding to learning videos is the massive amount of time that you have to put in every video. Especially the post production is very time consuming and takes a lot of passion and patience.

3. How do students benefit from producting videos?

The main benefit in my opinion is that students learn more about media competence. Shooting and editing videos can be very helpful in various future careers. In the age of digitalism almost every company gets in contact with social media.

Especially in the learning process of languages, videos can have a very positve inpact since learners have to think and use the foreign language acitvely when creating a video. Creating videos can combine fun and a high learning output - sounds great!