2 Types of Playground Flooring in Singapore

When was the last time you visited a playground? With its swings, slides and monkey bars, it may be one of the few physical outdoor spaces for children to play at, considering the increasingly digital world today. There have been many transformations in playground equipment and playground flooring throughout the years.

There are 2 types of playground flooring in Singapore.


The feeling of touching sand helps with sensory integration and fine motor skills as kids dig and pile and grab the sand. It improves balance when kids walk on the uneven terrain. And it contributes to helping children regulate themselves. Touching a variety of textures from the weaved nets to the plastic slides and sand helps children to make sense of the world at a smaller scale. Imagine trying out a cheese board as an adult. As a child, a playground with sand is much like a cheese board with cheese that you might not have tried before. So it helps children to learn how to explore, be open minded and facilitate the right levels of alertness while playing. And sand is another material that simulates real world environments.

However, sand can get into clothes, eyes and can be unhygienic. As a world ravaged by covid, hygiene is of utmost importance. While sand does not easily support microbial growth, it may still contain asbestos or silica. It can also hide insects and other pests. It requires constant maintenance, such as inspection for foreign objects. There is also a possible presence of asbestos and silica. Silica can cause asthma and inflammation of the lungs.

Rubber Flooring

Installed properly, rubber flooring at the playground serves its purpose best by being shock absorbent and wheelchair accessible. It is safe for kids with physical disabilities and limitations to play on. The low maintenance cost of rubber flooring is one of the more positive aspects, as it is durable and easy to clean. It will usually last for years. Although the upfront costs can be slightly more expensive, they will save you the need to maintain it regularly. There are many kinds of rubber floorings with all sorts of colours and designs, so the flooring of the playground can be designed in an attractive and colourful way. The rubber flooring is also able to absorb sound waves, which means that it will be able to minimise disturbance to residents living nearby.

However, you do have to do your own research when it comes to the rubber used. Today’s rubber tends to be synthetic and created entirely from man made ingredients. Most rubber is created primarily from recycled materials, such as car and truck tires. While the material is mostly safe, new rubber may emit a smell when temperatures rise on hotter days.

Many people believe that the playground in Singapore is one of the few places where children grow up learning to take risks and interact with other children in a public play setting. Whether sand or rubber flooring is chosen at the playground, the safety of children should come first. While children like to play with sand, it can get dirty and messy. Hence, modern parents prefer the cleaner and more sterile rubber flooring.