Deep research into topics that contribute to our dystopian future


Welcome to my site!

This site contains the research I have undertaken on various topics. This includes notes on various policies, and reports that policymakers have written. The best place to start research on any topic which is impacting society is at the highest level, government, or sometimes even higher such as the UN. This is because the laws and policies they publish impact every decision made at every level, from town councils to local government. 

I am undertaking this task because I have found that whilst these policies are public there is very little known around them, as they are written a way which is filled with corporate language, and are extra long. This is to deter normal citizens, and the media have no interest in discussing the more important points in them. My current focus is on the topic of "15 Minute Cities and 20 Minute Towns", but there will be other topics discussed too. On here there are notes from the UK government policies, Local Government policies, the UN and further. 

This will be updated as my research goes along, so keep an eye out!

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