What should I do if the shower curtain is moldy?

Many households have smaller bathrooms. Dry and wet separation can only be separated by shower curtains. However, the shower curtains are easy to stain with stains for a long time. Plus the air is damp, it is easy to mold. So what about the shower curtain mold? Bath curtains in addition to mildew tips, I hope to help you!

Alcohol spray

Resist the alcohol with water, then spray the alcohol water on the mildew, the dirt, stay for ten minutes, then brush with the old toothbrush, then rinse with water. Alcohol not only removes mildew, but also disinfects and prevents bacteria from breeding.

2.84 disinfectant water to water

Dilute the 84 disinfectant water with water, soak the shower curtain in it, then gently wash the mildew with an old toothbrush, and then wash it. If there are more molds, it is best to wash it for a while.

3. Salt water soak, fine salt scrub

Salt is available in every household. It is also convenient to use. Soak the shower curtain in salt water for half an hour, then scrub with fine salt particles. It is more difficult to clean and can be washed with old toothbrush and salt. Play a bactericidal effect.

4. White vinegar or soda powder cleaning

Generally, the shower curtains are all made of plastic. The dirt on the top is relatively clear. Use white vinegar to water, soak the shower curtain for half an hour, then wash it with laundry detergent. White vinegar, like alcohol, can also be sterilized. Some people think that the smell of vinegar is too heavy. You can also soak the water with soda powder, then soak the shower curtain, and then wash it with laundry detergent.

Suggestion: Do not wait until the mildew is enough to start cleaning. After the rain, open the shower curtain, volatilize the moisture, do not nest together, usually take shower curtain, wash with white vinegar or salt with water. If you are in trouble, you can throw it into the washing machine and drop a few drops of white vinegar, but it is best to put it together with the unused towel to prevent the shower curtain from being deformed and washed away.