
OUHC is a free, student-run conference for undergraduate research for the humanities and social sciences, hosted at the University of Oxford. The conference is open to contributions from all undergraduate students. 

OUHC's inaugural conference took place on 18-19 April 2023 at the History Faculty.


What is OUHC?

OUHC is a student-run undergraduate research conference for the humanities and social sciences.

Why participate?

Participating in OUHC is a unique chance to train your communication skills, showcase your work, get inspired by exciting research from your peers, meet like-minded people, and discover new perspectives on your research interests. It also looks great on your CV or graduate applications.

Who can participate?

All undergraduate students can participate, regardless of year, university, or degree programme, as long as the research you will present is relevant to the humanities or social sciences. If you are unsure as to the relevance of your research, contact us

What does participation involve?

Participants will present their research in a themed panel format. You will be grouped with 3 or 4 other presenters based on a common theme in your research. You will be expected to speak for 10 minutes on your research, then participate in a guided discussion with the other panel members and answer questions from the audience. You will also have opportunities to network with other participants. 

What kind of research are you looking for?

We are looking for original research projects by undergraduate students. You may want to present:

Does my research need to be finished when I apply?

No. Applicants will submit a title and short summary of their research project. Unfinished projects are perfectly acceptable, so long as you expect to have sufficient material for a presentation by the date of the conference (18-19 April).

Is there anything I should check before registering?

Please ensure that you are available to participate during working hours on both days, and if applicable, please ensure that you request vacation residence in your college for the dates of the conference. For any scheduling concerns, please contact us.

Can I attend as an audience member without presenting?

Yes. Observers are welcome, and need not register using the form, although you may want to join our mailing list to receive updates about conference logistics.

Can I attend online?

Unfortunately, due to technical constraints, papers for OUHC 2023 may only be presented in person in Oxford. However, it will be possible to spectate and ask questions to the panelists online. The link for online audience members will be provided through the conference mailing list.

Is catering provided?

Coffee, tea, and light snacks will be provided during the afternoon breaks. Participants will be responsible for their own meals.

Do you offer travel funding or accomodation?

Unfortunately, we do not have the resources to offer any travel funding or accomodation at the moment. However, we will be happy to work with you and provide any necessary documentation if you are applying for funding from your home institution.

Does it cost money to participate?

No. Participation as either a presenter or audience member is completely free of cost.