Students supervision / collaboration
PhD students supervision/collaboration:
Steve Gendarme, Recommendation systems for healthcare staff, GREYC laboratory & Doctizy startup, 2023.
Djawad Bekkoucha, declarative and interactive approaches for mining closed interval patterns, University of Caen Normandy, 2022.
Etienne Lehembre, Interactive structured pattern mining, InvolvD project, University of Caen Normandy, 2021.
Arnold Hien, Interactive framework of itemset mining using user preferences, 2019.
Master 2 internship supervision:
Steve Gendarme, Recommendation systems for healthcare staff, GREYC laboratory & Doctizy startup, 2023.
Serigne Abdoulaye Faye, State of health of the territory for the Normandy Region on the pollen and mold allergens, University of Caen Normandy, 2022.
Etienne Lehembre, Interactive structured pattern mining, InvolvD project, University of Caen Normandy, 2021.
Aymeric Beauchamps, Approche déclarative et interactive pour l’extraction de motifs d’intervalles sur des données numériques, University of Caen Normandy, 2020.