Update edit: Thanks to a tip from @Mattches, I realized I had used a Muon release accidentally, had it and current release open, and must have checked version in a window of the current release. Corrected version reported below. None of my current releases (main, Beta, Dev in Mac, main in Windows today) have shown this behavior in experiments today. (end update edit)

OpenStudio-ERI v1.6.2 uses OpenStudio v3.6.1, EnergyPlus v23.1.0, and a proposed HPXML v4.0. Please visit the OpenStudio-ERI v1.6.2 documentation for instructions on how to get started, how to connect software tools to the workflow, etc. The full set of US TMY3 weather files can be obtained from here.

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OpenStudio-ERI v1.6.1 uses OpenStudio v3.6.1, EnergyPlus v23.1.0, and a proposed HPXML v4.0. Please visit the OpenStudio-ERI v1.6.1 documentation for instructions on how to get started, how to connect software tools to the workflow, etc. The full set of US TMY3 weather files can be obtained from here.

OpenStudio-ERI v1.6.0 uses OpenStudio v3.6.1, EnergyPlus v23.1.0, and a proposed HPXML v4.0. Please visit the OpenStudio-ERI v1.6.0 documentation for instructions on how to get started, how to connect software tools to the workflow, etc. The full set of US TMY3 weather files can be obtained from here.

OpenStudio-ERI v1.5.2 uses OpenStudio v3.5.0, EnergyPlus v22.2.0, and a proposed HPXML v4.0. Please visit the OpenStudio-ERI v1.5.2 documentation for instructions on how to get started, how to connect software tools to the workflow, etc. The full set of US TMY3 weather files can be obtained from here.

OpenStudio-ERI v1.5.1 uses OpenStudio v3.5.0, EnergyPlus v22.2.0, and a proposed HPXML v4.0. Please visit the OpenStudio-ERI v1.5.1 documentation for instructions on how to get started, how to connect software tools to the workflow, etc. The full set of US TMY3 weather files can be obtained from here.

OpenStudio-ERI v1.5.0 uses OpenStudio v3.5.0, EnergyPlus v22.2.0, and a proposed HPXML v4.0. Please visit the OpenStudio-ERI v1.5.0 documentation for instructions on how to get started, how to connect software tools to the workflow, etc. The full set of US TMY3 weather files can be obtained from here.

Two packages are available, a minimal zip with a handful of weather files and a full zip with all US TMY3 weather files. OpenStudio-ERI v1.4.4 uses OpenStudio v3.4.0, EnergyPlus v22.1.0, and a proposed HPXML v4.0. Please visit the OpenStudio-ERI v1.4.4 documentation for instructions on how to get started, how to connect software tools to the workflow, etc.

Two packages are available, a minimal zip with a handful of weather files and a full zip with all US TMY3 weather files. OpenStudio-ERI v1.4.3 uses OpenStudio v3.4.0, EnergyPlus v22.1.0, and a proposed HPXML v4.0. Please visit the OpenStudio-ERI v1.4.3 documentation for instructions on how to get started, how to connect software tools to the workflow, etc.

Two packages are available, a minimal zip with a handful of weather files and a full zip with all US TMY3 weather files. OpenStudio-ERI v1.4.2 uses OpenStudio v3.4.0, EnergyPlus v22.1.0, and a proposed HPXML v4.0. Please visit the OpenStudio-ERI v1.4.2 documentation for instructions on how to get started, how to connect software tools to the workflow, etc.

Two packages are available, a minimal zip with a handful of weather files and full zip with all US TMY3 weather files. OpenStudio-ERI v1.4.1 uses OpenStudio v3.4.0, EnergyPlus v22.1.0, and a proposed HPXML v4.0. Please visit the OpenStudio-ERI v1.4.1 documentation for instructions on how to get started, how to connect software tools to the workflow, etc.

Version 3.0, released July 27th, 2017 (AWIPS 17.3.1) incorporated additional global and mesoscale models for the CONUS, OCONUS, and Oceanic domains along with running hourly and providing 1-36h forecasts. Several new weather elements were added to this version such as calibrated Probability of Precipitation (6-hour) and QPF, ceiling height and visibility, and weather, snow, and ice forecasts to name a few. An exhaustive lists of weather elements added to V3.0 can be found in NWS SCN 17-59.

REQUIREMENTS:** This data field requires a power meter, HeartRate monitor and cadence sensor to be connected to your Garmin device. **** A configuration option allows display of the cassette gear, which requires electronic shifting, linked with your Garmin device. **** Your data recording interval should be set to 1 second on your Garmin device. That is, not using Smart Recording, and you should TURN OFF auto-pause. Normalised Power and Strava Weighted Power calculations require these settings for accuracy. **Please visit https:\/\/robayris.github.io\/ for more details regarding App settings, etc.INFORMATION DISPLAYED:- App Settings can be set directly on the device - no need to use your Phone or Garmin Express to update Settings- Battery Status indicator- Current Power Watts (Configurable 1-30 second moving average)- Average Power, Strava Weighted Average (SWA) Power, or Normalized Power (NP)- If NP is chosen you may also choose to display Intensity Factor (IF) and Training Stress Score (TSS).- Option to display Power (and Average Power\/SWA\/NP) as Watts\/Kg- Watt Prime Balance- Power \u0026 Average Power Zone- HeartRate \u0026 Average HR Zone- Cadence (RPM). Average Cadence is be displayed if NP (IF and TSS) is not displayed.- Speed, Average Speed and Distance (Kilometres or Miles, per Garmin profile)- Gradient %- Current Altitude (Metres or Feet, per Garmin Profile)- Current Time and Timer display. Seconds display configurable.- Rear Cassette gear (configurable on\/off). Front Chain Ring is also highlighted by showing first digit of Cassette gear in Blue if smaller chainring selected, or second digit of cassette gear in blue if larger chainring selected.- Optional display of Weather: Current conditions plus a Forecast of next 3 hours. This display is configurable to display all the time, every minute, for 2 minutes, 4 minutes or 8 minutes. The weather can update every 20 minutes, or by clicking the LAP button, or both (this is configurable). Weather information provided by GPS. If precipitation is 50% chance or greater for a weather forecast, the forecast row will be a different colour. Weather condition icons automatically adjust depending on sunrise and sunset.- Configurable colour of outlines in the display.- Configurable position of all four circles, plus the extra data display.- Configurable display of 60 second histograms for HeartRate, Power and\/or Both.- Due to sizing, In The Zone can only be used in single field display in an Activity page."; var appDescriptionMoreLabel = "More"; This App has been written specifically for cycling devices that can handle the newer Connect IQ and device firmware. It includes many new features and configuration options, particularly display of current weather conditions and a localised (depending on GPS) forecast for the next 3 hours.REQUIREMENTS:** This data field requires a power meter, HeartRate monitor and cadence sensor to be connected to your Garmin device. **

Hi there, this is a good suggestion on the surface. In practice, though, I'm not so sure... In order to draw the circles, I need a reference value (for Power and HR I have things like MAXHR, LTHR, Resting HR, FTP, etc), but what reference is there for Speed, especially as it's easily affected by fatigue, weather, gradient, etc? Similarly for Cadence. It's all well and good to say aim for close to 100RPM, but what if you climb better at 70RPM or find it better when you sit between 85-90RPM? If you're riding into a headwind, this also affects your cadence output. In short, I don't count Speed and Cadence as training metrics as much as I do Power and HR - which is why the latter are prominent and the former less-so, in my apps. There is certainly merit in monitoring your cadence in certain situations, but not as much as Power and HR (IMHO). I'm happy to keep this discussion going. If you can convince me, I'll certainly consider adding this ability in... Do you accept the challenge? (use the contact developer link on the right side of the App Info TAB)...

Thanks for the terrific review David, much appreciated. I agree with you, I love the look of some of the other datafields out there that resemble analogue speedometers, but I just found that when I'm training for cycling events I'm more focussed on Power and HR zones and averages and with the smaller screens of the 530/830, being able to read the figures is important (challenging when on the move), so I've focussed more on function, though at the same time, I'm pretty happy with how it looks now. I was also quite excited to get weather capability into the App as it saves me having to stop and take out the phone when I'm on the longer training rides. All the best. Cheers, Rob.

There are many good, scratch that, great weather mods for Fallout New Vegas. The best solution is to let users pick the one that best suits one's taste. Currently there are two to choose, but in the future they may be more.

There are a couple things to consider when choosing a weather mod, the way is will look in game and performance impact. Read the description of each mod to get a sense of what would work best. There is no wrong choice. For users that have in game performance concerns, Realistic Wasteland Lighting is going to have the least impact on FPS. For users that want to see some actual weather patterns, Nevada Skies has many weather types.

Versions do not matter, any other versions of cygwin and gcc-core and make will work.

As for the make step: Navigate to the directory where you downloaded and extracted snaphu. It may be C:\temp\snaphu-v1.4.2 only in my example. You will have to adjust that to the paths on your machine.

One of the highest ranked Skyrim mods comes to Fallout 4 with even more features than ever! True Storms: Wasteland Edition is a complete overhaul to the storm systems in Fallout 4. Heavy rains, dust storms, radiation rains. New unique weathers, sound effects, particle effects, textures and more including configurable ghoul hordes during radstorms be457b7860



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