Ok, so I am new to discovering the various new video picture styles available for the Canon DSLR systems that give a more professional video quality look. I am looking to gain some better understanding on these new picture styles as well as see if what I know is correct or not.

Now to free ones I have already downloaded are Cinestyle by Technicolor and Video X picture style by Canon. Cinestyle seems great for increasing dynamic range but is obviously used by those planning on doing some color correction and post processing afterwards. From what I can tell and have read, Video X tries to do the same as what Cinestyle does except now it is made straight by Canon and can be downloaded from Canon's site. Cinestyle from what I have seen does a better job (an so I have read as well) at providing a more flat look with a bit more dynamic range than Video X for that pre color corrected look and wiggle room.

Cinebooster Picture Style

Download 🔥 https://tlniurl.com/2xYiEP 🔥

Now this is where the tricky part comes into play. I do not have any programs to do color correction on and I am not looking to get into that at the moment because I do not do video work like that. I just enjoy learning about it for now and playing around with my camera here and there in video mode. I was hoping to find a picture style that gives me that cinematic look straight out of the camera with out color correction or post. I came across another company called Cineplus (.com) which offers paid versions of some video picture style profiles. Now they offer 4 different types. Lightform picture style, Cinema picture style, Cinebooster picture style and the new Film picture style.

Lightform PS seems similar to Cinestyle PS so I am not considering that one because it requires color correction. But all three other PS state in the description that though a little color correction could help, it is not required and all three are fine straight out of the camera. Now I have seen a youtube video on the Cinema PS which this looks pretty correct being compared to Cinestyle PS and the standard camera PS as far as not needing color correction as it does state no color correction in some of the shots of comparison. Now there are some examples of video on the Cineplus website of Cinebooster PS and Film PS but it does not state whether or not it was color corrected and I do not see videos on youtube using these picture styles. Now from what I can tell on their webstie, they list them at the top of the page with a link to each ones separate page for information and I assume the order they are in are the order they came out in. If that is the case (and it does state Film PS is the newest one and is the furthest to the right), then Cinema PS should be older than Cinebooster PS.

So my final statement, and I am sorry I have rambled on for so long. Are the picture styles different in each of their use? Or are the newer ones just a better more updated version of the previous picture style? For the 3 PS that claim to not require color correction, do they each provide different looks out of the camera? Thank you so much.

Now this is where the tricky part comes into play. I do not have any programs to do color correction on and I am not looking to get into that at the moment because I do not do video work like that. I just enjoy learning about it for now and playing around with my camera here and there in video mode. I was hoping to find a picture style that gives me that cinematic look straight out of the camera with out color correction or post.

So my final statement, and I am sorry I have rambled on for so long. Are the picture styles different in each of their use? Or are the newer ones just a better more updated version of the previous picture style? For the 3 PS that claim to not require color correction, do they each provide different looks out of the camera?

If you're not going to add anything in post, you could just experiment yourself with the different settings (contrast, sharpness, etc.) in-camera and/or downloadable picture styles. Much of the cinematic look will depend on your camera settings, such as aperture (typically large opening for shallow depth of field), frame rate and the lighting. 24 frames per second is the standard for cinema look.

Congratulations, the Technicolor CineStyle Profile is now loaded in your camera! You should confirm that the Profile has been properly loaded by pressing the Picture Style selection button at the back of the camera and using the thumbwheel on top of the camera to scroll through the styles.

Tip: Experimentation is key in finding your prefered picture style! There are no rights and wrongs about using either as long as you have a basic understanding of how the profiles perform in different situations.

Picture Style Editor is a software program that allows you to create your own personalised picture style files to achieve the look you want for your images. These picture styles can then be applied to your images in the RAW processing stage or loaded onto the camera and applied at the time of shooting.

Nah, yang salah bukan teknik editing atau color grading-nya, tapi pengambilan footage yang menggunakan picture profile bawaan dari kamera. Alhasil, footage yang dihasilkan terlalu kontras, backlight, atau terlalu gelap. Di sinilah Cinestyle diperlukan.

Sayangnya, sejauh yang saya tahu, Cinestyle hanya bisa digunakan pada kamera DSLR Canon. Tapi, tenang! Kamu bisa mendapatkan kualitas yang hampir sama hanya dengan mengubah setting picture profile di kamera kamu. Tanpa download sama sekali!

Untuk membuat picture profile baru, Kita akan buat duplikat dari picture profile yang sudah ada. Pilih salah satu dan tekan OK untuk duplikat, lalu pilih slot kosong yang tersedia untuk menyimpan dengan menekan tombol kanan. Jangan lupa beri nama profile nya ya, terserah deh!

Balik lagi ke menu utama, dan kali ini pilih Set picture control. Scroll ke bawah sampai kamu menemukan profile yang sudah kamu buat. Tekan tombol kanan untuk mengedit setting di dalamnya. Lalu ikuti setting di bawah ini:Klik OK untuk simpan, dan selesai! Kini kamu bisa pakai profile tersebut untuk shooting.Ini perbandingan screenshot footage hasil rekaman dengan profile bawaan dan profile yang sudah kamu buat.

Sedikit cerita pada mudik 2018 lalu, di saat perjalanan menuju kampung halaman saya menyempatkan diri untuk merekam beberapa footage dari tol Cipali menggunakan Canon EOS 6D dan Technicolor Cinestyle terpasang. ISO yang dipakai sepertinya lumayang besar (sekitar 400 ke atas), sehingga ada sedikit noise di scene yang redup.

kok ga bisa download ya, udah registrasi, tapi linknya ga dikirim, udah cek di junk/spam a ada, udah coba berkali2 dengan alamat email beda2 browser beda2 juga ga dikirimin email linknya. barangkali bisa dikirimin file cinestylenya bang?

Selama bisa sambungkan ke USB untuk pasang custom picture profile, Insya Allah bisa gan.

Kalau masih nggak bisa, alternatifnya menggunakan picture profile Neutral yang dikustomisasi. Sharpness: -5 Contrast -5 Saturation: -3 atau -2. Nanti baru di naikkan ketajaman dan saturasinya di editing be457b7860

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