Ottawa Mixed Doubles

Welcome to the Ottawa Mixed Doubles site. Here you can find all the information regarding the 2020-2021 season.

More info to come August 2020!


This waiver must be signed before stepping foot on the ice, members and spares.

Rowan's Law acknowledgement form must be signed by all curlers under 26.

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Are you interested in playing in a Mixed Doubles game? We welcome any curlers to ask questions or come out and watch a game.

If you have any questions, please contact us at:


Alicia Krolak & Jesse Ruppell

Who are we? A community of curling passionate people that gather to learn and compete in this great sport of doubles curling.

When? 4 Saturdays (one per month) throughout the first half of the year. Dates will depend on the CurlOn and local bonspiel schedules.

Where? Several clubs around the Ottawa area, including but not limited to Navan Curling Club, the Ottawa Curling Club and Rideau Curling Club.

We are looking to run 4 days, 2 games/ day, pot luck style. This was run last year as our "championship day" and it worked well and there was more than enough food to go around. Running in this format (16 teams, 2 games each) will allow us to keep costs low.

If you have any suggestions or would like to help, let us know!

Below is a short demonstration video of Mixed Doubles