"It is crucial to perform this analysis at every new fitting and every time the acoustic properties of the hearing aid change (dome type, ear wax) or there is an update to the audiogram."

Usually hearing aid fitting is performed in a quiet, clinical environment. This does not allow the client to experience the hearing aid in a complex listening situation. Learn how the use of sound filesin Genie SoundStudio is an integral part of the personalization process.

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Objectives:  There is strong evidence from other fields of health, and growing evidence in audiology, that characteristics of the process of intervention as perceived by the client (embodied narratives) can have significant effects on treatment outcomes, independent of the technical properties of the intervention itself. This phenomenon deserves examination because studies of technical interventions that fail to take account of it may reach erroneous conclusions and because clinical practice can put such effects to therapeutic use. The aim of this study was to test the idea that embodied narratives might affect outcomes in hearing aid fitting. This was achieved by carrying out experiments in which technical (acoustic) differences between alternative hearing aid fittings were absent, while providing test subjects with a strong contrast between the processes apparently applied to derive the fittings being compared. Thus, any effects of contrasting narratives could be observed, free of acoustical confounds. The hypothesis was that narrative effects would be observed.

Design:  A balanced crossover design was used, in which subjects received and evaluated two bilateral hearing aid fittings in succession. Subjects were deceived as to the true identical content of the hearing aid fittings being compared, but encouraged to believe that one fitting process was "interactive" and the other was "diagnostic" in character. Two almost identical experiments were undertaken: one with 24 experienced adult hearing aid users and another with 16 adult first-time users. Each hearing aid fitting was worn at home for 2 weeks, after which self-report outcome measures (Hearing Aid Performance Questionnaire, Hearing Handicap Inventory for the Elderly, and International Outcome Inventory for Hearing Aids) were administered. After the second test period, a short preference questionnaire was also completed.

Results:  Twenty of the 24 experienced users showed a clear preference for one or the other fitting, and their self-report scores reflected these preferences. Effect sizes were comparable with those typically observed for true acoustical contrasts. No order effect was seen in this group. In contrast, 13 of the 16 first-time users preferred the second fitting. Trends in the self-report measures were similar for this group but weaker than for the experienced users. In both groups, the reasons given for subjects' preference were predominantly related to sound, despite there being no acoustical differences.

Conclusions:  This study suggests that the narrative embodied in a given fitting process can have a substantial effect on the perceived benefit of the treatment, independent of any acoustical differences, at least for experienced users. For first-time users, acclimatization seems to overshadow the purely narrative effect of any fitting process. In the future, research study designs should include steps to avoid narrative effects when technical parameters of hearing aids are the intended object of study. In clinical practice, the narrative is part of the therapeutic context, and one may design it for maximum beneficial effect.

Hearing Aid Apps, all of them, with the exception of remote fitting which requires professional assistance in preparing new fitting changes in advance, only do remote control type functions. Things like volume control, graphic equalizer sliders, directional changes, switch programs, select custom program functions.

I got a new pair Phonak Lumity 90 a month ago. but after 4 times fitting, I still have problem with it.

I wear HA for around 5 years as I suffer moderate hearing loss in low frequency and severe drop in high frequency. To get better hearing I upgraded to Phonak Lumity 90.

Once a hearing loss is identified, a hearing aid may be prescribed and fitted. The ASU Speech and Hearing Clinic is a full dispensing center, offering the most advanced fully digital hearing aids. Professional service fees include comprehensive fitting and follow-up services, including reprogramming and ongoing care. Each hearing aid comes with at least a two-year repair warranty, a one-time loss and damage guarantee and a 45-day adjustment period. Any returns during the adjustment period are given a full refund less the professional service fees for the audiological evaluation, communication needs assessment and fitting fee.

When it comes to a successful hearing aid fitting, it is much more than just selecting the correct device for your hearing needs. The hearing aids need to be properly fitted to your ears so that they provide the correct amount of amplification and to also maximize the quality and hearing aid benefit.

Before the fitting takes place, your audiologist will conduct a thorough hearing test to measure the softest sound that you can hear and at different pitches. The audiologist will then report their findings and record the volume of sound that is uncomfortably loud for you. Based on these tests, your audiologist will know exactly how much benefit the hearing aid needs to provide to amplify the softer sounds so that they become audible. The audiologist will be able to compress loud sounds so that they are not too uncomfortable when you are wearing the hearing aids.

At the hearing aid fitting appointment, your audiologist will verify that the hearing aids are correct and what you wanted. They will test the hearing aids to ensure that the softer sounds will be heightened and that any of the louder impressions are set at the level they should be in terms of what you will receive in sound. They will also conduct a real ear measure which is done via a thin tube that will be inserted into your ear canal. The tube is connected to a microphone and this will measure the volume of sound near your eardrum, without any hearing aid device near.

It is essential that there is a proper verification of your hearing aid setting and this is vital to the fitting appointment being a success. If the measures are not completed, then the audiologist will not be able to confirm or determine whether the hearing aids have been programmed correctly. Having the real ear measure tests ensure that you are getting the appropriate amplification in accordance with the severity of the hearing loss being experienced.

When it comes to the hearing aid appointment and fitting, you should expect that the time you are in there for can last between one and two hours. This may seem like a very long time, but it is important for the audiologist to consult and determine all reports and tests have taken place, and to also confirm that the measures being placed within the hearing aids are in accordance with your hearing loss and also the sounds that are comfortable for you to hear.

For Widex Moment direct streaming hearing aids, you can use the NoahLink Wireless fitting interface, for wireless fittings, using Bluetooth connectivity to the hearing aids. Fittings have never been easier!

To begin, let's address the reason why it's important to talk about fitting patients with severe hearing loss. In my opinion, it's starting to become a lost art. In the mid-1980s, patients with a severe hearing loss almost exclusively wore acoustic amplification. Essentially, that was the only option. Cochlear implants (CIs) were just coming into reality in the clinical marketplace. They were mostly research devices. At that time, CIs were not particularly sophisticated, in terms of signal processing, compared to the way they work now. If you were fitting hearing aids in the mid-1980s, you likely had a lot of patients with severe hearing loss in your caseload. As implants have become more and more sophisticated, as implants have been proven effective for patients in this hearing loss group, many of these patients have moved into the range of using CIs. Because of that, the ability to fit patients with severe hearing loss has become a lost art in our field. Granted, not all patients with this amount of hearing loss can be implanted. The reality is that sometimes the patient may choose not to be implanted. They may have a medical condition that won't allow them to tolerate the surgery. Perhaps there is a physiological reason they can't be implanted. The fact remains that these patients do exist and they need to be treated.

With regard to the physiology of severe hearing loss, the variability across patients is very high. As such, if you're going to fit patients with severe hearing loss, you require an adaptive fitting mindset. In other words, simply putting the audiogram in our Genie fitting software and obtaining prescribed settings is not necessarily going to be a solution for each and every patient. That variability exists anytime you fit hearing aids, but it is especially true of patients with severe to profound hearing loss. With this patient population, there is a greater need to make adjustments based on individual preferences and perceptual performance. If you're going to fit someone with that degree of hearing loss, you must accept the fact that you're going to have to spend more time to find the fitting that works well for that patient. Moreover, the severe to profound clinical population needs highly trained clinicians to conduct an adaptive fitting and to understand the nature of hearing loss and how the technology works. It is important to recognize that in the ever-changing hearing aid device market, these patients aren't likely to find an over-the-counter or internet-purchased solution that will work for them. Hearing care professionals will always need to play a role in fitting these patients with severe and profound losses. 006ab0faaa

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