Personally, I think that getting Heads finished would be a far greater win for user-friendly security than to spend time rearranging the deckchairs on the browser start page. Therefore, getting Heads shipped as standard, and making other firmware fixes that impact the usability and/or security of the Purism hardware, are where Purism developer time should be prioritised.

Fabric.js package with no node-specific dependencies (node-canvas, jsdom). The project is published once a day (in case if a new version appears) from 'master' branch of repository.You can keep original imports in your code if you add an alias to your webpack file: resolve: { alias: { fabric: 'fabric-pure-browser' } }

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I want a unit-test framework for JavaScript which runs in the browser. Not with an external browser-automation system as in Selenium, or a non-browser JS environment, but just one .html which loads the test framework and test suite and displays the results in that page. My searches have found only the other two kinds.

You can run Selenium in the browser only. Download Selenium Core 1.01. Upload the unzipped files to the domain you want to test. Open /core/TestRunner.html and start the browser only frontend of Selenium :)

I recommend qunit. It's created by the jQuery team (and is used to test the jQuery framework) and it works in both the browser and node. It's really quick to set up tests, with just a single HTML file which has script tags with your tests, and it's well documented.

While I have no plans on considering a task of such complexity this soon, the question has been on my mind and I still wanted to ask this. Seeing how simple and efficient the Nostr protocol is, I may decide to make my own client for it. If I did however, I'd want to do it in pure HTML / CSS / JavaScript as it's both straightforward and the best language I know of for this purpose.

The thing is, what I'm really looking for is pure browser JavaScript: Not Node.js or other server alternatives let alone other languages like Rust, I'd want the whole thing to be browser only and fully self contained. Essentially the client could run on Github pages, or you should even be able download a zip unpack it and click on index.html to open it in your web browser from a local directory... most likely I'd want to store it on IFPS, maybe also distribute a standalone version via Electron. I already designed a few HTML5 game concepts this way, completely serverless websites that just run in a browser and can be hosted anywhere else as is... I know it's doable just a little tricky.

One obstacle I typically run into is the CORS thing (Cross Origin Policy) which makes it hard to read content from external files such as JSON and use the data in scripts. I see in the description that Nostr uses event objects, I never worked with those before but upon a quick look it seems extremely easy. I presume those won't run into CORS or any other browser limitations?

Would definitely be nice is there was already a JS library I can include and use for simplicity, though this seems simple enough to do raw. I'm also curious if anyone ever attempted this before and made a pure browser client: If so let me know so I can take a look for inspiration!

What is the best Browser you guys are using on Android in terms of speed, features, and things like that and why? I currently am using Opera beta but I kinda wanna switch. So try to convince me to a better different browser please.

I'm currently looking for a way to remote into a Linux PC via the browser. That is, a pure browser solution, not something like NX Web Companion that downloads an applet via the browser, and still requires say, an outgoing SSH connection from the client.

The problem I have is that my PC (well basically Firefox) send GET requests to my Arduino when I am NOT actually submitting from my browser input box. Apart from that everything is working good. I can send requests and get proper information back in my browser window.

It's always the exakt same GET request being sent as long as my browser session is not restarted. After restart it might be another GET request. Some of them I sent in the new session. Didn't find any logic in what request get "choosen". It's not the last true command I sent. It's not the first command sent in session.

There could be a bug in Firefox, but that's not very likely.

Some browsers will reload a page that has been inactive for a long time, especially when there is low memory available (it deletes the page from memory, and just reloads it when you need it again). There could be a problem with your headers that may cause the browser to think that the page is expired, and therefore reloads it. It is allowed to do so, because it was a GET request, so it should be safe.

Or there could be a problem in your HTML or JS code that causes the browser to reload the page.

Are you sure that it is the web browser reloading, and not just a problem in the Arduino code that sees requests when there aren't any?

Yes I know it's a resend from the browser since I monitor packets from / to Arduino with Wireshark.

Still struggle to get POST working ... have a hard time to catch the POST data with my very crude code. By design now it stops reading from net just before the POST data he he

Whilst totally supported in the standard its fair to say that its not an extension often used and probably unreasonable to ask a browser user to do it this way. Totally reasonable to ask an API client to do it though.

Experience the pure web with the world's first Christian web browser, the Pure Browser!Pure Browser automatically filters out over 300 impure words and blocks over 1.9+ million impure sites that may cause impure thoughts.Our motivation for creating the Pure Browser came from Philippians 4:8...\"Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.\"Let's encourage each other to be pure Christians and to be a light to all the world sharing the good news that Jesus Christ, the son of God, came to this earth, lived a perfect life, died innocently on the cross for all of us and rose again to save all those who believe and follow Him!

"Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things."

Let's encourage each other to be pure Christians and to be a light to all the world sharing the good news that Jesus Christ, the son of God, came to this earth, lived a perfect life, died innocently on the cross for all of us and rose again to save all those who believe and follow Him!

@DameLisa I use Android phone (and tablet) in dark mode too. I use Chrome web browser to access forum. Do you use some application on your phone to access forum? Or any third party app which causes that you have dark mode shown? We lost the user setting for this option so it must be something else which causes your dark mode showing.

Starting with pure JavaScript is the best way to get a solid knowledge of web game development. After that, you can pick any framework you like and use it for your projects. Frameworks are just tools built with the JavaScript language; so even if you plan on working with them, it's good to learn about the language itself first to know what exactly is going on under the hood. Frameworks speed up development time and help take care of boring parts of the game, but if something is not working as expected, you can always try to debug that or just write your own solutions in pure JavaScript.

If the extension was installed on individual computers, then users can configure the extension in their browser settings. If administrators installed the extensions remotely, then administrators configure the extensions but can allow users to configure the extension in their browser settings. These browser settings override the administrator settings. For more information, see Install the Genesys Cloud browser extensions.

The following list describes the settings available to configure the extensions. The names in the list match the names that appear in the browser settings. For more information, see Individual configuration. The names that administrators use to configure the settings programmatically differ slightly. For more information, see Administrator configuration. 006ab0faaa

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