
Great news - the full program is here!

The workshop will take place virtually on 26.10.2020 from 10:00 to 15:00 (CET). It will be held in Zoom and you can take part using either the Zoom-application or from your browser. Additionally we will make use of the whiteboard-tool Miro. Just like Zoom, Miro can be used from the browser or using the desktop app. Links to the call and the whiteboard will be shared with registered participants shortly before the workshop.

We're thrilled to announce that Andreas Muxel will hold a keynote at the workshop, showcasing a creative perspective on designing counterparts.


10:00 Welcome

Opening by Matthias Laschke and Robin Neuhaus

Introduction by Marc Hassenzahl

Marc Hassenzahl is professor for ‘Ubiquitous Design’ at the Department of Business Computing at the University of Siegen. With a doctorate in psychology, he combines his background in empirical science with a passion for interaction design. He focuses on the theory and design of meaningful technology-mediated everyday experiences. Marc publishes at the intersection of psychology, design research, interaction and industrial design.

10:30 Keynote

Andreas Muxel: Robother - Non-trivial Interactions with Trivial Machines

Andreas Muxel is Professor for Physical Human-Machine Interfaces at the University of Applied Sciences Augsburg where he founded and directs the HYBRID THINGS LAB. In his work he is always looking for a poetical and engaging way of interaction with things, regardless of whether they are hardware or software. He creates hybrid artifacts and spaces for all senses blurring the boundaries between the rational and the irrational. His projects have been shown internationally (e.g. Ars Electronica Festival Linz, FILE Festival São Paulo, TodaysArt Festival Brussels) and awarded (e.g. Honorary Mention Prix Ars Electronica, VIDA Award, Share Prize). From 2013 to 2017 he was Professor for Interface / Interaction Design at the Köln International School of Design, University of Applied Sciences Cologne.

11:00 Contributions

11:00 - 11:10 Britta F. SchulteIntimate Others
11:10 - 11:20 Eva KrappReRes: Cognitive Restructuring Otherware
11:20 - 11:30 Philipp GrafReflexive staging of machines and robotic agents: The “Plant Watering Robot 3000”
11:30 - 11:40 Frederike Jung, Susanne Boll | Actions speak louder than looks Understanding the strength of multimodal and behavioural cues for (de)stereotyping care robots
11:40 - 11:50 Julika Welge, Diana Löffler, Judith Dörrenbächer, Marc Hassenzahl | Mutation Instead of Replication Designing Hybrid Otherware
11:50 - 12:00 Kevin Koban, Astrid Rosenthal-Von Der Pütten | Negotiating between Media Equation and Mind AttributionA Reflection on Dynamic Changes between Two Levels of Anthropomorphism in Human-Robot Interaction

12:15 Lunchbreak

13:00 Hands-on - Working in groups

Towards a "Manifesto for Otherware"

14:30 Wrap-up

Conclusion and future work

15:00 End

If there are questions regarding the program or the registration, don't hesitate to contact us!